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Collaborations with producers in Panama’s poultry industry

In early September 2023, a veterinary technical team of Biovet S.A. conducted technical visits in Panama. During the meetings with the leading producers of broilers and laying hens, they focused on supporting the welfare of their animals, especially the liver condition, which suffers the most from production stress.

An important sector for Panama – the growing national poultry production

In Panama, according to ANAVIP data, the poultry industry accounted for 23.2% of the national agricultural GDP in 2021, contributing a value of over 400 million dollars annually. Panama currently leads the list of the largest consumers of chicken meat in Latin America, together with Argentina: in both countries, 48 kg of chicken is consumed per person. Egg consumption in Panama also increased significantly in recent years. Between 2010 and 2020, the country’s consumption increased by 61 units, from 119 to 180 eggs per capita per year. This figure represents an increase of 51% in just one decade.

Highly productive genetic lines have been developed to meet the increasing demand for eggs without raising the density of birds.

However, along with the production growth, the level of production stress also increases, with the liver being one of the organs most exposed to high production pressure. As the liver is responsible for synthesising the main components of the egg, as well as regulating the high metabolism of these birds, it is essential that their functions are optimised to ensure productive performance and immune status. Our team presented the natural products developed specifically for layers by Biovet S.A., included in the OVUM line, which aims to improve liver physiology, egg quality and production.

Solutions to improve liver physiology and egg quality

Participants were interested in Aval Premium, the nutritional supplement that provides vitamins, amino acids and pronutrients, which support intestinal development and well-being, improve liver physiology. All these beneficial contributions result in increased nutrient supply and absorption, and consequently, the internal and external quality of the egg is improved, and better pigmentation is ensured.

In laying hens, liver problems are frequent, so we recommended to our partners the use of Alquernat Livol. The liver conditioner developed by Biovet improves liver function in poultry by optimising its regeneration and physiology.

Our veterinary technical team emphasised that all Biovet products are natural solutions which do not have a pharmacological mechanism of action and, therefore, do not leave residues, generate microbial resistance, nor require a withdrawal period.

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