40 years experience providing solutions

Our main objective is to provide specific and effective solutions to our clients to improve animal production.

Natural prevention of coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis in broilers

Efficacy of intestinal conditioning and optimizing pronutrients in solving these high-impact diseases in birds.

Intestinal conditioning pronutrients as a replacement for zinc oxide in post-weaning piglets

Greater intestinal well-being in piglets, improving development and preventing the appearance of diarrhea.

Effective strategy to mitigate aflatoxin contamination in dairy cows

Reduction of aflatoxin M1 in milk upon supplementation with a mycotoxin binder (with Silicoglycidol) in dairy cattle.

Solution to high levels of Ammonia in Aquaculture

Elevated ammonia levels in aquaculture systems can cause a number of adverse effects, including physiological stress, gill damage, immune system suppression and, in extreme cases, mortality.

Maintain the welfare of older dogs

The supplementation of diets with pronutrients that promote the correct physiology of the organs (intestine, immune system, liver) is a differential factor to maintain the health of dogs in advanced age.

Calcium deficiency leads to an increase in broken eggs, due to poor shell quality and bone breakage problems...
Calcium deficiency leads to an increase in broken eggs, due to poor shell quality and bone breakage problems...
Have you encountered this problem on the farm?
Neonatal porcine coccidiosis is a highly prevalent disease of great importance in intensive pig farming, due to its negative effects on the growth and development of piglets.
Neonatal porcine coccidiosis is a highly prevalent disease of great importance in intensive pig farming, due to its negative effects on the growth and development of piglets.
Have you encountered this problem on the farm?
Elevated ammonia levels in aquaculture systems can cause a number of adverse effects, including physiological stress, gill damage, immune system suppression and, in extreme cases, mortality.
Elevated ammonia levels in aquaculture systems can cause a number of adverse effects, including physiological stress, gill damage, immune system suppression and, in extreme cases, mortality.
Have you encountered this problem on the farm?
Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus, commonly known as IBV, is a highly contagious viral infection that severely affects poultry, especially chickens, layers and turkeys.
Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus, commonly known as IBV, is a highly contagious viral infection that severely affects poultry, especially chickens, layers and turkeys.
Have you encountered this problem on the farm?

Our history

Biovet S.A. Laboratories is a manufacturer of natural additives for animal feed. It was founded in 1984 by a group of veterinarians and chemists with extensive experience in clinical practice and in the manufacture of additives and premixes for animal nutrition.

Nowadays, Biovet S.A. is composed of a multidisciplinary team, which allows focusing on problems from multiple points of view with the aim of developing innovative products. Our main objective is to provide specific and effective solutions to our customers to improve animal production, ensuring the food safety of products intended for human consumption.

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Biovet's I+D team works to apply its scientific knowledge and develop products that promote animal welfare and food safety
"Since I incorporated Biovet S.A products into our layer farms, we have experienced a notable improvement in well-being and increased production."
Layer Farm (Peru)
"Since we started using Biovet S.A. products in our aquaculture farm, we have noticed a significant improvement in mortality and growth of our fish. We recommend without a doubt!"
Aquaculture Farm (Bangladesh)
"Since we incorporated Biovet S.A's natural additives in our farms, we have seen a notable improvement in the reduction of ammonia concentration. Without a doubt, a right decision!"
Pig Farms (Mexico)
"By including Biovet S.A. mycotoxin binders in our livestock feed, we have eliminated the Aflatoxin indices. We are very impressed with the results obtained!"
Dairy Production (Peru)

Latest News


Talks and training during EuroTier 2024


Biovet and Adivet carry out technical visits in Peru


VIV Africa, first successful participation


Biovet Conference on Natural Additives to Prevent Coccidiosis and Necrotic Enteritis

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