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Solutions to improve performance in the Paraguayan poultry industry

Online seminar for Paraguayan poultry producers

On March 7, 2024, Biovet S.A., in collaboration with Campo Consultora, organized an online conference, in which attended by about 35 people from the Paraguayan poultry sector.

The webinar had two parts:

– the first part held by Dr. David Díez with the conference entitled: “Improving efficiency in poultry farms” and the second part presented by Eng. Aldo Ramirez, with the talk: “Nutritional strategies for reducing formulation costs”.

Egg and meat production has increased globally in a very marked way, due to the advantages that protein from poultry offers, over other sources. In poultry farming, the objective is to transform the nutrients from the diet (amino acids, minerals and vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals) into eggs and meat in an efficient way and at the lowest possible cost, so that profitability be optimal. But for this it is essential that the animal has ideal conditions of the organs, devices and systems so that optimal balance conditions exist and production remains optimized.

The main causes of deficiencies in the development and intestinal functioning of birds are mycotoxins, bacterial or fungal challenges, parasitosis (coccidiosis), high productive pressure or alterations due to thermal stress, densities and more factors.

As consequences, birds suffer digestive, liver or immune alterations that affect health and productive performance.

Pronutrients, molecules of plant origin that act on target cells

Pronutrients are molecules of plant origin, capable of stimulating or regulating animal physiology WITHOUT causing a pharmacological effect. They can be classified into 10 groups according to the target cell on which they act and their zootechnical effect.

Intestinal conditioner pronutrients, which are marketed as Alquernat Nebsui, stimulate the regeneration of enterocytes, control the growth of pathogens in the intestine and improve intestinal absorption and digestion of feed.

The intestinal optimizer pronutrients, marketed by Biovet S.A. under the name Alquernat Zycox, promote the activity of the local immune system of the intestine, while liver conditioners help restore liver physiology and prevent associated pathologies.

All Biovet S.A. solutions are 100% natural, do not generate resistance, do not require a withdrawal period and do not leave residues on animals.

In the second part of the seminar, examples of formulation in broiler chickens and layers were presented, to reduce costs and improve farm efficiency.

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