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The Alquermold trademark registered in Bangladesh

The Alquermold trademark registered in Bangladesh

This product line is indicated to improve the quality of feed and raw materials used in animal nutrition

Recently Biovet S.A. has obtained the Alquermold trademark registration in Bangladesh. This line of products is composed of different natural solutions of preservatives that aim to improve the quality of feed and raw materials used for animal nutrition.

The weather in Bangladesh is characterized by high temperatures and high percentages of humidity, which facilitate the generation of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms in the collection of the crops and storage of food for the animal industry.

For this reason, microbiological contamination is a key point for producers who require specific solutions that help them maintain the qualities of the feed and prevent possible effects resulting from the ingestion of these contaminants.

La marca Alquermold registrada en Bangladesh

Preservative and microbiocidal action with Alquermold Natural

In the Alquermold line, developed by Biovet S.A., stands out Alquermold Natural. It is a natural  with bactericidal and properties that prevents poor feed quality, the appearance of infectious diseases and fungal infections, and prevents the presence of mycotoxins.

In addition, the product can be used as intestinal biocide to eliminate those pathogenic microorganisms that can cause imbalances in the intestinal flora and lead to digestive pathologies.

The product is an effective and natural alternative to organic acids because it is safes for the health of the farmers, effectively eliminates all pathogenic bacteria and fungi and does not lose its effectiveness over time.

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