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Biovet International Symposium for CIS countries, Ukraine and Georgia

Mycotoxin binders, preservatives and pronutrients lead the Biovet International Symposium for CIS countries, Ukraine and Georgia

Biovet S.A. presented the natural solutions offered for poultry and swine in the region

On February 8, Biovet S.A. organized an International Symposium for the CIS countries, Ukraine and Georgia. Mycotoxin binders, natural preservatives, pronutrients and their use in pig and poultry farming were the protagonists of this conference.

Customers from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia participated in this online Symposium that aimed to present the natural solutions that Biovet S.A. offers for this region.

Silicoglycidol to prevent the negative effects of mycotoxins in poultry and pigs

In particular, the challenge posed by mycotoxins in animal production due to their negative effects in poultry and pigs was discussed. These toxins of fungal origin contaminate feed and raw materials used for animal feed, and once ingested, they can cause alterations in the organs and worsen the production parameters of the farms.

Alquerfeed Antitox was presented in the conference, based on the molecule patented by Biovet S.A., Silicoglycidol. It is a mycotoxin binder with a broad spectrum of action, effective at low doses (0.5 kg/t). Field trials demonstrate its effectiveness against all groups of mycotoxins, in addition, it does not adsorb vitamins or nutrients favorable to the animal’s body into its structure.

Enhance intestinal welfare with Alquermold Natural

Next, different applications of Alquermold Natural were presented. On the one hand, Dr. Júlia Pié, veterinarian at Biovet S.A., presented the use of Alquermold Natural for the control of digestive pathogens in birds. Field trials demonstrate the effectiveness of this product in eliminating pathogenic microorganisms from the feed and maintaining the balance of the intestinal flora. The results indicate that Alquermold Natural is a safe and effective product to promote intestinal welfare in birds.

On the other hand, Dr. María Soriano detailed the use of this intestinal microbiocide in feed for sows. The results showed that it is effective in reducing the load of microorganisms in the feed (up to 99%), in addition it was demonstrate that it is a product more efficient than organic acids even at a lower dose.

Finally, it should be noted that the product has a long-term effectiveness, it does not create resistance or residues, so it does not require a withdrawal period, and is safe for workers and machinery.

Pronutrientes to improve nutrient absorption

The last session of the congress was about pronutrients. Specifically, Dr. Ekaitz Maguregui presented the use of Alquernat Nebsui in post-weaning piglets to prevent multiple digestive diseases that arise from this productive stage. The product is positioned as a natural substitute for zinc oxide, as demonstrated by the field trials presented at the conference.

Finally, Dr. David Díez presented a conference about the use of Alquernat Nebsui in laying hens. The trial demonstrated how the use of Alquernat Nebsui improves the absorption of nutrients. Consequently, the hens improved their production rates, with a higher production of eggs, which have more weight and quality. On the other hand, the percentage of broken eggs was reduced.

This symposium was held in Russian for the countries of the CEI, Ukraine and Georgia. For more information about the conferences presented contact us.

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