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Biovet S.A. International Symposium for Europe

Simposium Internacional para Europa

On November 15, 2021, the International Symposium for Europe of Biovet S.A. was held with conferences on poultry, swine, and aquaculture. The event, which was held in virtual format, was attended by customers from Ireland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the Czech Republic.

Alquernat Nebsui and Alquermold Natural and their benefits in pig farming

In the first part of the International Symposium, Dr. Ekaitz Maguregui, veterinarian of Biovet S.A., presented the benefits of Alquernat Nebsui in post-weaning piglets. The lecture described the diarrhea pictures in this productive stage of pigs and its impact on productive performance. In addition, he highlighted the ban of zinc oxide in Europe for the management of these digestive pathologies and the need to look for natural solutions to replace zinc oxide.

Dr. Maguregui described field trials carried out in Greece (2020), Hungary (2021) and Italy (2021) where Alquernat Nebsui was compared to zinc oxide. In these trials, Alquernat Nebsui, which contains intestinal conditioner pronutrients, had superior and favorable results concerning performance, mortality, weight gain, diarrhea control, and lower treatment costs.

Following this, Dr. Julia Pié of Biovet S.A. explained the benefits of Alquernat Nebsui in other productive stages of pig farming, such as growth, finishing, reproduction, gestation, and lactation. The conference reviewed the field trials with Alquernat Nebsui in different stages of production that show favorable results in lower diarrhea presentation in piglets and higher weight gain in finishing.

Finally, Dr. Maria Soriano from Biovet S.A. presented the antimicrobial effects of Alquermold Natural in sow feed compared to organic acids. In these trials, it was observed that Alquermold Natural had an antimicrobial effect in feed close to 99% and was higher compared to organic acids. In addition, the long-term effect of this additive in the feed and the advantages related to not generating residues, resistances, or withdrawal period were found.

Biovet’s products that improve production in poultry farming

Eng. Anass Akhmouch from Morocco spoke about the use of the mycotoxin binder Alquerfeed Antitox in broilers, comparing it with another regional product. For this purpose, field trials carried out in Morocco with broilers exposed to T2 and Fumonisin were presented. Among the results obtained, it was observed that the use of Alquerfeed Antitox generated better economic performance and a better quality/price ratio.

On the other hand, Dr. David Diez from Biovet S.A. gave a lecture on the use of Alquerfeed Vitamin Aminoacidos L (AVAL) Premium in laying hens. This nutritional supplement is composed of pronutrients, vitamins, and amino acids.

Dr. Diez mentioned the added value that pronutrients offer in poultry production, related to improving the physiology and nutritional value of the diet supplied. In addition, he explained an AVAL premium field trial conducted in India in 2012 where an increase in nutrient absorption was evidenced in the poultry evaluated. The second field trial was in Europe in 2021 where favorable results were found in laying percentage, lower number of broken eggs, and lower mortality.

Importance of pronutrients in aquaculture in Europe and worldwide

To conclude the symposium, Dr. Maguregui presented a lecture on the importance of aquaculture in the world and Europe. He also mentioned the major challenges that the sector faces:

  1. Disease diagnosis and treatments: approaching clinical signs, the concomitance of pathogens, availability of vaccines, and authorized drugs.
  2. Intensive production: management of density, stress, and disease emergence.
  3. Reducing environmental impact: use of water, filtering systems, feeding practices, and reduction in the use of antibiotics.

In this sense, the use of natural solutions is necessary to improve aquaculture production. In this context, Alquernat Nebsui, intestinal conditioner pronutrients, and Alquernat Immuplus, immunostimulant pronutrients, were presented as natural products of Biovet S.A. available for aquaculture. The results of field trials in tilapia with Alquernat Nebsui and Alquernat Immuplus were shown. These tests showed an increase in growth of more than 16% and how the improvement of the immune status has a positive effect on the productive capacity of tilapia. In addition, the mechanisms of action and advantages of both products were reviewed.

Finally, Global Vet’s Labs services focused on remote technical assistance, diet formulation, mycotoxin analysis, and the Silicoglycidol dosage calculator were shared.

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