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Biovet International Symposium Conclusions

Biovet International Symposium Conclusions

After finishing the Biovet International Symposium, based on the topics discussed and the different experiences shared, the following conclusions and considerations have been drawn and we consider they are interesting for the sector:


Currently there is a questionable microbiological quality, both for feed and cereals, as well as deficiencies in its preservation. This involves a risk to animal health and nutritional deficiencies.

According to the opinion of the experts, the tendency for these cereals that are being subjected to a longer storage time prior to their sale, this increases the state of poor preservation and, therefore, a worse microbiological quality.

The experts, likewise, recommend for proper handling and consumption in appropriate quality, the separation of the grain from the dust that is generated, which presents significant contamination problems, and properly treat this grain with a preservative such as Alquermold Natural, which fights the presence of bacteria and fungi.


Given the cereal crisis that currently exists, there is a high probability that older grain on the market is being used, which is more broken and facilitates the fungi to produce mycotoxins when is in direct contact with the substrate. It is recommended to first separate the broken grain from the whole and remove the dust. Likewise, it is recommended to treat the broken grain with mycotoxin binders such as Alquerfeed Antitox.

This binder tights to mycotoxins creating hydrogen bonds, this chemical union being the most stable that exists, being effective throughout the entire digestive tract and in all pH changes that occur in it. Thus, these hydrogen bonds do not release mycotoxins inside the organism, being eliminated with the feces without causing a pathogenic effect.


The intestinal epithelium is physiologically renewed every 5 days, and it is very important that it regenerate as soon as possible so that the tight junctions are not altered facilitating the entry of parasites and bacteria into the mucosa, with their consequent multiplication and the appearance of enteritis and coccidiosis, among other pathologies. The intestinal mucosa can be protected at different levels:

1st Protecting the intestinal epithelium

2nd Reinforcing tight junctions

3rd Stimulating the local general immune system of the intestine

For this, we have several products that can be used in cascade:

Alquerfeed Diatom: reduces intestinal transit and facilitates the epithelium to perform its functions optimally. It retains feed 8% longer in the intestine and improves the digestibility and absorption of nutrients.

Alquernat Nebsui: stimulates the regeneration of the intestine, and promotes the absorption of nutrients, while it strengthens the tight junctions.

Alquermold Natural: prevents the entry of bacteria through tight junctions, by eliminating pathogenic microorganisms.

Alquernat Zycox: stimulates the local general immune system of the intestine, so that the intestine can defend itself against infections or infestations, such as coccidiosis.


The protection of the intestine must be complemented by the protection of the liver.

The intestine transforms complex molecules into simpler ones that can be assimilated by the organism: it breaks down proteins into amino acids, fats into fatty acids, and complex carbohydrates into mono and disaccharides. Once in the liver, the reverse phenomenon occurs: proteins are synthesized from amino acids, fats from fatty acids, and glycogen from carbohydrates. The liver is therefore a reservoir of nutrients (proteins, fats and glycogen).

The use of hepatoregenerators such as Alquernat Livol, helps to increase the speed of regeneration of liver cells.

This is especially important in certain periods of the year, as in the case of birds that begin the laying period in summer, for different reasons:

  • The liver works more, and the yolk should be prevented from running out of fat.
  • There is a risk of steatosis, a fatty inflammation of the liver, which initially is not serious but affects egg production, causing the laying peak to be lower and the production of thousands or millions of eggs on the same farm being lost.
  • If steatosis goes to its second stage, it would be called fatty liver, and it represents a quantum leap since there is fat inside the hepatocytes and between them, which makes the liver rupture easily (friable liver) and also accelerates the drop in laying.
  • If the hen continues to be fed with fat excess, it would enter the hemorrhagic fatty liver phase with a notable increase in mortality.

The use of Alquernat Livol in summer and hot seasons is very important so that steatosis does not affect the liver and adequate production parameters are maintained.


Bone is a key organ, which acts as a calcium store, and exerts its effect at two levels: it helps to maintain the level of calcium in the blood, and it also maintains the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood.

When the temperature is very high, the hen hyperventilates and the concentration of CO2 in the blood decreases. The bone tries to recover this carbon dioxide by mobilizing calcium carbonate (Ca CO3) into the blood, which dissociates into CO2 and Calcium (Ca).

When the bone loses calcium carbonate due to high temperatures, the hens will not have enough calcium for egg production, causing the eggs to be produced with a poor-quality shell, no shell, or easy shell breakdown.

By using Alquerfeed Ovoponedoras, we provide CO2 to the hens, preventing the loss of calcium carbonate and therefore, maintaining calcium reserves to form the eggshell.


Lymphocytes have several functions in the body, such as locating bacteria and protozoa and phagocytizing them. To do this, immune cells produce cytokinases to reach these microorganisms.

The local general immune system settles in all the mucous membranes that have contact with the external environment, acting as a protection system so that microorganisms do not penetrate. For its part, the general immune system includes bone, liver, spleen, among others, which produce cells such as macrophages, lymphocytes and NK that participate in protecting the animal from systemic infections.

Alquernat Zycox is a product that stimulates the local general immune system of the intestine and helps prevent infections of different types, such as coccidiosis.

On the other hand, Alquernat Immuplus enhances the general immune system, reinforcing defenses and enhancing the response to vaccination.


Destinated for developed countries with more consumption capacity, and are aimed at dog feed manufacturers. These are additives developed based on pronutrients and form the Naturbalance line. This line arises from work with different breeds of dogs, different weights, aptitudes… and has been extensively studied directly in animals. It has a practical approach, based on the physiological needs of dogs and their eating habits, and one of the objectives is the reduction of the use of chemicals in dogs’ feed.

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