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The XXXIX Biovet International Symposium has been a great success

Entre 24-27 abril de 2023 Biovet S.A., organizó el XXXIX Simposium Internacional en la prestigiosa ciudad de Córdoba, en el Rectorado de la Universidad de Córdoba

One more year, the Biovet International Symposium represented a successful participation in this international forum created to discuss the optimization of the quality of animal feed and nutrition.

Between 24-27 April 2023, Biovet S.A. organised the XXXIX Biovet International Symposium in the prestigious city of Cordoba, in the Rectorate of the University of Cordoba, which is located in the former headquarters of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

The opening and closing of the event were attended by the Dean of the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Cordoba, Dr. Manuel Hidalgo Prieto, the Professor of Toxicology and former Dean, Dr. Rosario Moyano, and the President of Biovet S.A., Dr. Jaime Borrell.

The XXXIX Biovet International Symposium has been a great success

The event brought together distributors and customers from all over the world to attend the Symposium programme, which focused on presenting the latest projects developed by the R&D team of Biovet S.A. in collaboration with universities, commercial farms, and research centres.

The Symposium also included technical presentations of the most relevant pathologies in the poultry, swine, and aquaculture sectors. Among Biovet’s solutions against the different diseases, the presentations focused on Alquernat Zycox, the intestinal optimiser based on pronutrients, and Alquerfeed Biota, the digestive flora regulator. In addition, the latest Biovet products were presented, such as the new Naturbalance line that focuses on nature and food technology for pets.

The Symposium concluded with the traditional awards ceremony. Dr Eduard Torres was in charge of announcing and distributing the awards to this year’s winners:

mejor desarrollo comercial se atribuyó para Doctor's Agrovet (Bangladesh)

The award for best commercial development went to Doctor’s Agrovet (Bangladesh) represented by Dr. Tusar Chowdhury and Dr. Rafiul Karim.

mejor desarrollo científico se entregó al Sr. Hugo Patiño, de ADIVET

The award for best scientific development was attributed to Mr Hugo Patiño of ADIVET for the work done with Alquermold Natural at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru).

mejor investigación fue para el Departamento de Toxicología y Farmacología de la Universidad de Córdoba (España)

The award for best research went to the Department of Toxicology and Pharmacology of the University of Cordoba (Spain) and was collected by Dr. Rosa Moyano and Dr. Nahúm Ayala.

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