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Alquernat Nebsui, effective natural alternative to improve productive parameters at weaning

Alquernat Nebsui, effective natural alternative to improve productive parameters at weaning

The trial, carried out together with Carthage Innovative Swine Solutions, was presented in the third session of Biovet International Symposium

The third session of the Biovet International Symposium took place on Tuesday October 13th, 2020 and focused on the natural solutions to improve post-weaning performance. A trial about the use of intestinal conditioner pronutrients in the productive performance during weaning in combination with carbadox and zinc oxide was presented.

Weaning is one of the most critical points in swine production. Changes that occur in piglets cause stress and can lead to growth retardation and digestive problems, such as diarrhea.

Antibiotics such as carbadox and zinc oxide are products commonly used in pig farms to control the digestive flora and avoid the imbalances typical of this productive stage. However, the use of these components has drawbacks such as the appearance of microbial resistances. In addition, their use is limited or prohibited for animal nutrition in several countries

Natural solutions, such as intestinal conditioner pronutrients, are effective natural solutions to prevent the digestive pathologies of this productive stage. Pronutrients can also help to replace or reduce the use of chemical additives or antibiotics.

Intestinal conditioner pronutrients are the main component of Alquernat Nebsui. They are active molecules from botanical origin that improve the activity of enterocytes. They regenerate the digestive mucosa that allows to optimize digestive processes, and consequently, production parameters.

The product has been tested recently in collaboration with Carthage Innovative Swine Solutions. The trial was made with 900 piglets starting at 21 days of age and three batches were used: Alquernat Nesbui alone, Alquernat Nebsui combined with zinc oxide (ZnO) and carbadox.

The trial lasted for 63 days and productive parameters in transition and first stage of fattening were analyzed. Results demonstrate that all the treatments obtained similar results during transition stage. The batches with Alquernat Nebsui, either alone or combined with ZnO, obtained better conversion rate. This improvement was significant when using Alquernat Nebsui alone.

In fattening stage, similar weights were obtained in all treatments. The batch with Alquernat Nebsui alone obtained a significantly better conversion rate, which indicates a positive long-term effect of Alquernat Nebsui.

In conclusion, the study reflected that the use of intestinal conditioner pronutrients is an effective alternative that allows improving the productive parameters in weaned pigs and reducing the use of chemicals at this stage.

Conference about the mechanism of action of pronutrients

This session finished with the conference ‘Pronutrients and functional food, mechanisms of action’ by the Veterinarian Roberto Minetti. The session explained the concept of pronutrients, their classification and mechanism of action, as well as their application in the main species used in animal production.

Dr. Minetti highlighted the importance of the use of natural additives that allow the balance of the digestive flora and, in this way, have a positive impact on the health and productivity of farms.

Dr. Minetti was asked about the trend in the use of natural additives in Argentina where, as he confirmed, there is currently a strong trend to register these products rather than chemical additives.

These two conferences concluded the third session of the Biovet International Symposium, which this year, due to the global pandemic, has been held online. More than 130 representatives from different countries attended the virtual event.




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