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Intestinal conditioner pronutrients were the central theme in the Biovet International Symposium

Intestinal conditioner pronutrients were the central theme in the second session of the Biovet International Symposium

Alquernat Nebsui demonstrates its efficacy to improve intestinal integrity in a trial carried out in Colombia

‘Natural strategies for intestinal integrity’ was the title of the second session of the Biovet International Symposium, which took place on Thursday October 8th. In the congress the use of intestinal conditioner pronutrients as a natural solution was presented. These molecules help to maintain the intestine in optimal conditions, face challenges and, thus, optimize productive parameters.

Specifically, in this second session the trial ‘Effects of Alquernat Nebsui on indicators of intestinal integrity and productive parameters in broilers carried out in Colombia’ was presented by Dr. Alejandra Ruiz Real (Universidad Nacional de Colombia).

This study with broilers consisted in three batches were used: a control batch, a batch with bactericin used as an antibiotic growth promoter and halquinol and, finally, a batch with Alquernat Nebsui. In addition, to discern the effects of the different treatments, the animals from the three batches were challenged by adding raw soybeans to the diet. These ingredients contain antinutritional factors that can affect the intestinal integrity and digestibility.

Antibiotics are commonly used in animal nutrition and its use can have consequences such as the appearance of resistances. That is why they are limited or even prohibited in many countries. As a consequence, the search of natural solutions that can replace these components has become essential.

Alquernat Nebsui is a natural solution which promotes the regeneration and activity of the digestive mucosa. In addition, it can replace antibiotics and other chemical substances. It contains intestinal conditioner pronutrients, which are active molecules from botanical origin that improve the function of enterocytes.

The results of the trial demonstrate that Alquernat Nebsui obtains better productive parameters with significant differences compared to the other batches: in weight (+707 g than the control batch), conversion rate (37% improvement) and efficiency (+160 points). The product also improved the quality of the carcass, since it obtained a higher carcass (+ 4%) and breast (+ 17%) yields than the other batches.

The pigmentation of the skin and tarsi of the birds was also improved because the use of intestinal conditioner pronutrients promotes a better absorption of the pigments present in the diet.

In conclusion, the trial showed that Alquernat Nebsui can replace antibiotic growth promotors thanks to it improves the digestive mucosa, which leads to greater resistances against infections. In addition, it has a positive effect on the absorption of nutrients, which allows a greater improvement of production parameters.

The addition of Alquernat Nebsui in the feed allows an improvement of the digestive processes and, therefore, of the use of the diet. This translates into an improvement in the conversion rate and savings in feed costs.

Global Vet’s Lab diagnostic service

The second session finished with the presentation of the Global Vet’s Lab service by Dr. David Díez (veterinarian of Biovet S.A.). This section offers several technical services offered by Biovet to clients. Among the services offered there are mycotoxin analysis service, feed formulation, diagnostic by image or clinical advice, among others.

About Biovet International Symposium

The second session of the symposium was held in English at 8 am (Spanish time) and there was a second round at 4 pm (Spanish time) in Spanish. Around 150 representatives from several countries participated in the webinar, such as Bangladesh, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Egypt, Pakistan, India, Romania, the Czech Republic, Peru, Colombia, Honduras and Mexico, among others.




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