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Alquernat Nebsui and Alquermold Natural lead the first session of the Biovet International Symposium

Alquernat Nebsui and Alquermold Natural lead the first session of the Biovet International Symposium

The trials showed that the use of pronutrients and natural preservatives improves productive performance in poultry farms

The Biovet International Symposium started on Tuesday October 6, 2020. This year the event was held online due to the consequences caused by the global pandemic. In this first session, entitled ‘Gut health challenges’, two trials were presented. The first one explained the use of intestinal conditioner pronutrients (Alquernat Nebsui) in comparison and combination with butyrate and prebiotics. The second one, was about the effect of Alquermold Natural in the prevention of necrotic enteritis. Both trials were carried out in India and were given by Dr. Sudipto Haldar from Agrivet Consultancy P Ltd (Calcuta).

The workshop finished with a conference about Biovet organic products which have been manufactured following the rules of the European Union regarding organic products.

Alquernat Nebsui in comparison and combination with butyrate and prebiotics

The first trial entitled ‘Alquernat Nebsui effect in productive performance in comparison and combination with butyrate and prebiotics in India’ analysed the use of Alquernat Nebsui alone and in combination with the two mentioned products.

Both products are commonly used in poultry farming in the region to improve poultry performance, particularly the daily gain and the conversion rate. In addition, they represent two alternatives to the use of antibiotics growth promoters, whose use is being limited in many areas of the planet.

Results showed that the batches where Alquernat Nebsui was used obtained better productive parameters, which was observed in an improvement of the feed conversion rate and the European efficiency index.  This improvement was 5% and 16%, respectively, compared to the control batch.

In conclusion, the study demonstrates that the addition of intestinal conditioner pronutrients is a natural and effective alternative to improve the productive performance in poultry farms, either alone or in combination with prebiotics or butyrate.

Alquermold Natural, the natural solution for the prevention of necrotic enteritis

Necrotic enteritis is one of the most common diseases in poultry worldwide. It causes important economic losses and, due to its high incidence, it is important to apply natural solutions that prevent the appearance of this disease and reduce the use of chemical additives and antibiotics.

The second trial of the session compared the results obtained in a control batch and a batch treated with Alquermold Natural, used as a preventative, in birds  infected with Clostirdium perfringens, etiologic agent of necrotic enteritis.

An improvement of the productive parameters was observed in the batch treated with Alquermold Natural, especially in the conversion rate, which was improved by 3.93%, and in the efficiency index, with 84.2 more points. Lower mortality rate was also observed with Alquermold Natural.

As a conclusion, Alquermold Natural, a product based on cimenol ring that act as a natural preservative, is effective as an intestinal microbiocide that prevents the appearance of several bacterial diseases, such as necrotic enteritis.

Organic products, a global trend

To end the first session, Dr. Anna Tesouro from Biovet S.A. presented the Biovet eco products. This type of production has the objective of producing quality and residues-free products whilst minimizing human footprint on the environment. In this type of production, feed is elaborated under organic requirements using natural sources that are respectful with nature, which preserve biodiversity.

Biovet S.A.  has several products certified as organic products. In this way, those interested can purchase these products with the ecological label that guarantees that the products are produced following the standards established by the European Union.

International congress

The first session of the symposium was held in English at 8 am (Spanish time) and there was a second round at 4 pm (Spanish time) in Spanish. Representatives from several countries participated in the webinar such as: Bangladesh, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Egypt, Pakistan, India, Romania, the Czech Republic, Peru, Colombia, Honduras and Mexico, among others.

The following sessions of the Biovet International Symposium will take place in October 8th, 13th, and 15th.

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