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Biovet presents trials on Alquernat Immuplus and Alquermix line in the PSA of Canada


A poster about the effectiveness of the natural immunostimulant against hemorrhagic enteritis and a conference on multifunctional line will be exposed


From 15 to 18 July, Montreal will host the annual meeting of the Poultry Science Association. Biovet will present a poster about the use of Alquernat Immuplus and its efectiveness against hemorrhagic enteritis in turkeys; and also, a conference which will detail a trial with the multifunctional line Alquermix in broilers.

Natural immunostimulant for hemorrhagic enteritis

On Tuesday, 16th July, Biovet will expose a poster entitled ‘Use of Alquernat Immuplus to improve the efficacy of vaccination against hemorrhagic enteritis in turkeys’. The banner details a trial carried out in Europe in a turkey farm with two batches with 268 animals in each one.

The control batch is vaccinated and not receives any immunostimulant, while the treatment batch receives Alquernat Immuplus, pronutrients natural immunostimulants, at 1 ml/L for the 5 days before and after vaccination, in drinking water.

The analysis show that the blood samples of Alquernat Immuplus batch obtained a greater increase of antibody titers, with titles 9.27% and 3.19% higher on days 63 and 96 post-vaccinated, respectively.

A greater antibody titer is related to a better efficacy of vaccination and, as a consequence, the animals receive this pronutrients and will be more protected against hemorrhagic enteritis.

Conference on multifunctional line of Biovet

On Wednesday, 17th July at 9 am, it will be presented the conference ‘Natural multifunctional solutions to improve productivity in broiler’. It will explain a trial carried out at the Universidad Científica del Sur (Peru) in an experimental farm of broilers.

The Alquermix line is composed of natural multifunctional products which allow substitute 9 additives commonly used in conventional diets. This multifunctionals ara adapted of each species and production stage.

In the trial it was used 248 Cobb 500 broilers divided into two batches. The control batch received a diet with conventional additives (coccidiostats, mycotoxin binders, organic acids, anitbiotics growth promoters, among others). The batch with Alquermix received a basal diet with Alquermix and without other conventional additives.

The productive parameters (weight, conversion rate, mortality, uniformity) are evaluated, as well as the quality of the carcass and the micro and macroscopic lesions of the organs. In addition, the impact on the microscopic structure of the intestinal villi is also studied.

The batch with Alquermix obtained better production parameters, with a greater impact during the first week of life. The animals also demonstrate a better quality of the carcass, lower % of affected organs and less severe injuries. It is shown that the animals are better protected against pathogens such as coccidia and the structure of the digestive mucosa is much more optimized for the               absorption of nutrients.

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The Poultry Science Association is a professional organization formed by scientists, educators, producers and academics committed to poultry production. They carry out studies and research on the world poultry market and annually organize a congress where the main novelties are exposed.


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