Pronutrients do not increase absorption of toxic substances such as arsenic

Pronutrients do not increase absorption of toxic substances such as arsenic

Several field and laboratory trials have shown that intestinal conditioner pronutrients can improve the absorption of different dietary components (vitamins, aminoacids, pigments…).

To prove that this improvement in intestinal absorption is specific, the following in vitro trial was conducted to show that there is no indiscriminate absorption increase, particularly of toxic substances.

Arsenic was used as the target component, because of its toxicity and its molecular similarity (molecular mimicry) to phosphate.


The following treatments were added to different enterocyte cultures:

  1. Control (x2): Culture with pronutrients, without arsenic
  2. As: Culture with arsenic only, without pronutrients (to measure arsenic “basal” absorption)
  3. NEBSUI 1:5000 As: Culture with pronutrients (1:5000) and arsenic
  4. NEBSUI 1:10000 As: Culture with pronutrients (1:10000) and arsenic


Mass spectrophotometry was used to measure arsenic intracellular concentration. The concentrations of arsenic were measured in the supernatant (non-absorbed arsenic) and in the cytoplasm (absorbed arsenic).

Table. Supernatant and intracellular arsenic concentration (µg/L) in the different cell cultures.

Results interpretation

No significant differences were observed between extracellular arsenic concentration depending on the treatment (with or without pronutrients). Neither between intracellular arsenic concentrations.

Intracellular arsenic concentrations (absorbed metal) in presence of pronutrients were lower than in control cultures.

This proves that intestinal conditioner pronutrients do not increase intestinal absorption of this toxic compound.


Pronutrients that act as intestinal conditioners do not affect arsenic intestinal absorption.

Other in vitro trials to evaluate the effect of these pronutrients showed an improved absorption of vitamins, aminoacids and carotenes.

In conclusion, the improvement in intestinal absorption by pronutrients is specific and safe, as they do not increase the absorption of toxic compounds.

Intestinal conditioner pronutrients are sold in the market under the commercial name Alquernat Nebsui, of Biovet S.A.


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