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Workshop on the combined use of Biovet products in pig production

combined use of biovet products in pigs

On June 30, 2022, the technical team of Biovet S.A. organized an online conference entitled ‘Combined use of Biovet products in pigs’. The conference presented several strategies and programs available by the company to improve profitability and productivity in the different production stages in pig farming.

The conference was held in English for attendees from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe and was led by Dr. Ekaitz Maguregui; and in Spanish for attendees from Latin America, by Dr. Maria Soriano.

The conference started identifying the main challenges that pig production must face during the production stage, such as, stimulate feed consumption, management of the post-weaning stage, use of antibiotics and optimization of production parameters at finishing.

Feed consumption, key to weight gain in pigs

Stimulating feed consumption in the stage of initiation to solid feed and periods of high temperatures is key for the pigs to reach the desirable weight. A comfort environment, adapted feeders, administration time, presentation and composition of the diet are aspects to consider in order to stimulate consumption.

In addition, there are solutions that makes feed more palatable for the animal. For this reason, it is recommended to administer Alquerflav Porcino, a flavouring product developed by Biovet S.A., which has attractive odours and contains pronutrients, molecules of natural origin which improve the physiology of the animals.

Field trials have demonstrated that using Alqueflav Porcino produces a great acceptance of the diet and this is reflected in an increase of daily weight gain. In economic terms, this translates into a better feed conversion rate and lower feed cost per kg of weight gained.

Pronutrientes to reduce diarrhea in post weaning period

Another of the points discussed was the weaning period, one of the stages in piglet rearing that has the most repercussions on the economy of the farm and at the end of the cycle. The animal is started on solid feed, and it is common to find problems of low consumption and insufficiency to digest and absorb the nutrients in the diet.

Zinc oxide has been commonly used to control post-weaning diarrhea, which is very frequent in this productive stage. However, its use is being restricted and producers must look for natural alternatives for this purpose.

Biovet S.A. has developed Alquernat Nebsui, which contains intestinal conditioner pronutrients, that improve the integrity of the intestinal mucosa and helps to improve digestibility and nutrient absorption. Besides, it is a natural product, that does not leave residues and does not require withdrawal period.

Responsible use of antibiotics in pig production

Finally, the conference also pointed out about the use of antibiotics and how to reduce its application in order to make a responsible use of them. This reduction must be accompanied by proactive management practices, strict cleaning and biosecurity measures and a complete nutritional program that allows to control challenges caused by microorganisms and strengthen the immunity of the animal.

In that sense, it was recommended the use of Alquermold Natural, a natural antimicrobial based on the synergy of cimenol ring and citric acid, which controls the intestinal flora and reduces digestive challenges. In addition, if used in combination with Alquernat Nebsui there is a noticeable improvement in digestive integrity and function.

Additionally, the use of Alquernat Nebsui also allows maximizing performance in finishing. The trials presented during the videoconference showed how supplementing the diet with Alquernat Nebsui achieves a greater economic benefit reflected in the improvement of the productive parameters: greater weight (+2 kg) and better feed conversion rate (-4.8%).

If you would like to have more information about the videoconference and the trials presented, please contact us.


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