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Awards ceremony at the XXXVII Biovet International Symposium

Awards ceremony at the XXXVII Biovet International Symposium

The XXXVII Biovet S.A. International Symposium, held on May 12 and 13 at the Tarragona Chamber of Commerce, closed with the traditional awards ceremony.

Dr. Eduard Torres was in charge of announcing these awards, which this year were distributed as follows:

    • The award for best business development was for Mr. Khalid from Yashfine International, Biovet’s distributor in Libya, for his ability to adapt and meet objectives by overcoming the challenges of his regional market
  • award for best business development
    • The award for the best distribution was for Mr. Hugo Patiño, from ADIVET, distributor of Biovet in Peru, for his constant work and efficiency
  • award for the best distribution
    • And the award for the best technical development was for Dr. Alexander Daniel Obando Sánchez for his research work in the field trials carried out

award for the best technical development

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