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The R&D projects of Biovet S.A. presented at the International Symposium

Use of Alquernat Immuplus in Tilapias

The second day of the XXXVII Biovet International Symposium took place on May 13, 2022 at the Tarragona Chamber of Commerce. The program focused on presenting the latest projects developed by the Biovet R&D team in collaboration with universities, commercial farms and research centers.

Use of Alquernat Immuplus in Tilapias

This session started with the conference of Dr. Miguel Madrid, Honduras, who explained that tilapia fishes are exposed to several stressful factors along their productive cycle, being manual vaccination one of the most important ones.

A trial carried out by Regal Springs company showed that the use of Alquernat Immplus, the natural immune booster product of Biovet S.A., reduced mortality by 14% and reduces the FCR, giving an economical return of 0.03 USD/kg of biomass.

Alquermold Natural, safe product for ruminants

Then, Dr. Miriam González, from  the Universidad de Córdoba, presented the results of a trial, carried out in collaboration with Biovet S.A., with Alquermold Natural in different types of diets in small ruminants.

The use of Alquermold Natural in adult sheeps demonstrated it to be a safe product for ruminants that modifies positively the ruminal fermentation, reducing the methane production (-3%) and the risk of acidosis while increasing the concentration of VFA and the richness of the ruminal microbiota.

Alquermold Natural, safe product for ruminants

Vaccines production

Finally, Dr. Carlos De Salas, from Perú, presented a conference about vaccines production. In the conference, Dr. De Salas gave a description of brief historic background, types of vaccines and presentations, types of adjuvants, and controls and evaluations of the products for safety and effectiveness.

Vaccines production

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