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Flash products on pig farming in the XXXVII Biovet International Symposium

Flash products on pig farming in the XXXVII Biovet International Symposium

The XXXVII Biovet International Symposium was held on May 12-13 in the Chamber of Commerce of Tarragona. During the training there were some conferences on pig farming in Flash Products format.

Most of these talks were given by collaborators and clients of Biovet S.A. who explained the practical applications of the company’s solutions in pig production.

Alquernat Inmuplus in pigs, results obtained in China

Dr. Lei Liang (Biozhi – China) gave the first conference of this sessions and presented a trial were the applications of Alquernat Immuplus in pigs were explained. The results showed that Alquernat Immuplus was able to improve the immunological quality of the colostrum (levels of IgA) in sows that were vaccinated twice against Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PEDv) intramuscularly. In addition, Alquernat Immuplus had a comparable effect to that of an additional oral vaccine, and it is an easier solution to administer compared to an oral vaccine.

Alquerfeed Livtox improves the production parameters in pregnant sows

Dr. Alejandra Ruiz (Inpsas-Colombia) presented a conference about the use of Alquerfeed LivTox in pigs. Alquerfeed Livtox, a combination of mycotoxin binder and liver conditioner pronutrients, was administered to 800 sows with reproductive problems, replacing a competitor, during the pregnancy and lactation.

Alquerfeed Livtox allowed to improve the fertility rate (+19%), reduce the repetitions (-61.4% time in the weaning-to-service interval), increase the farrowings/sow/year (+1 FSY), the number of born alive piglets (+2) and their weaning weight (+9%).

Alquerfeed Livtox improves the production parameters in pregnant sows

Alquernat Nebsui, natural alternative to Zinc oxide

Then, Dr. Ekaitz Maguregui, veterinarian at Biovet S.A., presented several field trials using Alquernat Nebsui as an alternative to zinc oxide.

The use of Zinc oxide for the prevention of the post-weaning diarrhea will no longer be a solution for EU pig farmers from June of this year. Alquernat Nebsui, a natural product based on intestinal conditioner pronutrients is the natural replacement offered by Biovet S.A. for the zinc oxide. The efficacy of Alquernat Nebsui has been tested in several trials in EU, and results obtained in Greece, Hungary and Italy, among others, were shared.


Alquernat Nebsui, natural alternative to Zinc oxide

Commercial farm experience with Alquermold Natural and Alquernat Nebsui

Dr. Gerardo Ricaud from México explained in the Symposium its experience in a commercial farm using Alquermold Natural and Alquernat Nebsui in pigs. Both products were tested in one of the biggest farms of Sonora (Mexico), and the use of Alquernat Nebsui and Alquermold Natural was evaluated to control a Clostridium perfringens challenge on their farms.

The combination of Biovet products during the fattening allowed them to achieve a mortality of 0.77% and 0.32% of pigs sold as laggards (98% of the pigs reached the weight at slaughter, increasing the kilos of sold meat). The feed conversion during fattening was of 2.40 and from 7 to 120 kilos of 2.33, which were the best feed conversion rates obtained in the entire historic results of the farm.

Effect of Alquerflav Porcino in the first stages of pig Production

The session finished with a conference of Dr. Alexander Obando from Universidad Católica Santa María de Arequipa (Perú), who presented the conference ‘Effect of Alquerflav Porcino in the first stages of pig production’.

Alquerflav Porcino, a starter supplement was tested in piglets from 14 to 56 days of age. Alquerflav Porcino improved the feed intake by 20%, the weight gain by 38% and reduced the FCR by up to 14%, compared to a competitor product, proving the efficacy of this product as a growth enhancer in the first diets of piglets.

Effect of Alquerflav Porcino in the first stages of pig Production

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