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Flash products on poultry farming in the XXXVII Biovet International Symposium

Alquernat Coneb y Alquermold Natural para la prevención de Clostridium y Eimeria

The XXXVII Biovet International Symposium was held on 12-13 May 2022 in the Chamber of Commerce of Tarragona. The congress brought together distributors and collaborators of the company to explain the recent developments of Biovet S.A. in the animal production sector. The first session was focused on the presentation of Alquerfeed Diatom, the company’s latest novelty.

This session was followed by conferences on poultry in Flash Products format. These are short and concise conferences presented by clients and collaborators who explained how these Biovet solutions have practical and efficient applications in their farms.

Alquernat Coneb and Alquermold Natural for the prevention of a mixed infection of Clostridium and Eimeria

This round of conferences began with the conference of Dr. Tusar Chowdury from Doctor’s Agrovet, distributor of Biovet products in Bangladesh, entitled Prevention of a mixed infection of Clostridium perfringens and Eimeria sp. using Alquermold Natural and Alquernat Coneb’

The results of this trial showed that Alquernat Coneb was effective to prevent coccidiosis and the negative impact of Eimeria on weight, improve significantly the FCR (-2.4%) and reduce the litter moisture and oocyst counts compared to the coccidia infected and non-treated group. The combination of Alquernat Coneb with Alquermold Natural was recommended in case of a mixed infection of coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis to obtain a stronger protection.

Use of pronutrients in antibiotic free broiler production

Then, Dr. Alejandra Ruiz, INPSAS-Colombia, presented a conference about the use of pronutrients in an antibiotic free broiler production. The conference showed the strategic use of AVAL 9 (nutritional solution) in the first week of life and Alquernat Nebsui L (intestinal conditioner) during the diet change to avoid the use of antibiotics, prevent dysbiosis and improve the performance compared to a competitor solution (+3% body weight and -4.75% FCR).

The strategic use of Alquermold Natural and Alquernat Nebsui was also presented during weeks 3 to 6 in a case of gut disbalance, diarrhea and presence of FANs in the diet, to restore the intestinal integrity and recover the expected performance of the flock.

Use of pronutrients in antibiotic free broiler production

Ammonia reduction with Alquernat Yucca

Dr. Alfonso Díaz, INPSAS, complemented the program with a conference entitled ‘Effect of the use of Alquernat Yucca in laying hens’. Dr. Díaz explained that the smells derived from a composting facility of a laying farm was of great concern by the population in the nearby area. Alquernat Yucca, administered in feed, helped to reduce the ammonia levels in the composting facility by 63%, allowing the compliance with the local regulation and increasing the environmental air quality and the comfort of the nearby population.

Ammonia reduction with Alquernat Yucca

Dr. Narcís Xatruch, from the technical department of Biovet S.A., followed this conference with an explanation about the definition of saponins, including their chemical and biological properties and applications in the animal and human industry, together with their sources, the detection methods (foaming, Liebermann-Burchard test) and quantification methods (gravimetric and HPLC).

Field trials in Turkey

Finally, Mr. Omer Aydin, from Veravet, distributor of Biovet in Turkey, made a short recap of several field trials with Alquermold Natural, Alquernat Nebsui and Alquernat Zycox. In those trials they observed an increase in the final weight of the animals (60 gr. per broiler).The consistency of the stools and the FCR were also significantly improved thanks to the use of Biovet products.

Use of pronutrients in Turkey

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