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Pronutrients improve eggshell weight and quality

Pronutrients improve eggshell weight and quality

Biovet S.A. carried out a trial with intestinal conditioner pronutrients in laying hens obtaining positive results on eggshell weight and quality.

Recently, Biovet S.A. carried out an in vivo trial in laying hens of the Hy-Line Brown line with intestinal conditioner pronutrients and eggshell quality improvers supplement, Alquernat Nebsui and Alquerfeed Ovoponedoras. The study demonstrated the positive effect of these supplements on eggshell weight and eggshell quality.

Egg production parameters, egg size, and the incidence of broken eggs are closely related to the condition of the intestinal mucosa. This mucosa is responsible for absorbing the nutrients supplied in the feed. For this reason, the intestinal mucosa should be conditioned to perform its function correctly and thus maximize the absorption rate. At the production level, this improves performance parameters, especially in high-producing laying hens.

The study was conducted in 2021 in a Hy-Line Brown layer farm. A total of 34580 hens between 73 and 100 weeks of age were used. The laying hens were fed with 0.5 kg/t of intestinal conditioner pronutrients and 0.5 kg/t of the eggshell quality improver supplement. The results obtained in the study were compared with the standard parameters reported for this breed of laying hens.

Intestinal conditioners pronutrients and supplements improve egg production

The results obtained in this study indicated that hens treated with intestinal conditioner pronutrients, and eggshell quality improver supplements had higher production. This was shown at the beginning of lay, where the treated group had 10% higher egg production compared to standard values. Furthermore, at the end of lay, this positive effect was maintained, where the treated hens had 12,03% higher production compared to the standard values. At the end of the study, there was less drop at the end of lay in the treated group. These results indicate a positive effect on the production of laying hens treated with Alquernat Nebsui and Alquerfeed Ovoponedoras.

On the other hand, egg weight in treated laying hens was lower than standard values at the beginning of the study. However, from week 10 of treatment, egg weights in treated hens increased until the end of the study. In the last week, the eggs weighed 0.5 g more compared to the standard value. This means a 2.1 g increase in egg weight during treatment with intestinal conditioner pronutrients and eggshell improver supplement.

Finally, eggshell quality was also evaluated through the percentage of broken eggs. In the hens treated with pronutrients and supplement, at the end of the study, the broken egg rate decreased 62,12% regarding the start of the study. This is an evidence of the improvement in eggshell quality due to the Alquerfeed Ovoponedoras eggshell improver supplement.

This study by Biovet S.A. demonstrated the improvements in eggshell production and quality when laying hens are given pronutrients and eggshell improvers. In addition, these products are safe since they do not need withdrawal period and do not create residues.

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