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Improving profitability, performance and welfare with natural additives in animal production

Improving profitability on farms

Last April 29, 2021, Biovet S.A. organized a videoconference with the theme: Improving profitability, performance and welfare with natural additives

During the talk, were detailed some of the most common mistakes that are usually made in the design of diets for animals, the poor use of the diet, how to evaluate its profitability and how to improve it with the use of pronutrients.

Diet optimization, key in animal production

Diet optimization is the key to obtain good production parameters on farms. A good design of the diet allows to obtain good productive results and improve animal welfare.

Sometimes, exists the belief that it is possible to increase the profits of the farm by reducing the cost of the diet, by reducing the inclusion of certain additives or percentage of the main raw materials. But, although these changes lead to cost savings, they tend to have very negative consequences on the productivity and health of the animals and, therefore, a worse cost-benefit ratio.

Any change of raw materials or additives in the diet must be accompanied by an evaluation of its results in the field and a ROI analysis.

How to improve the profitability of the diet?

Some additives imply a minimum cost (even savings in case of replacing other products) and multiple benefits, this means they have a good return of investment (ROI).

This is the case of Alquernat Nebsui and Alquermold Natural, both natural additives developed by Biovet S.A., which allow to optimize and regulate the intestinal functioning of animals. It is highly recommended to include these natural additives in the diet formula in order to optimize and improve it. In addition, these products allow to prevent alterations in intestinal welfare that lead to pathologies, which have a negative impact on the economy of farms.

Alquernat Nebsui and Alquermold Natural can also replace other products, such as growth-promoters antibiotics (in the case of Alquernat Nebsui); or products used for the preservation of feed (in the case of Alquermold Natural). In such a way that their use does not represent an additional cost and provides broad benefits scientifically demonstrated in commercial and experimental trials, therefore they are an investment: they generate more tons of meat / eggs produced, while saving food consumption.

Benefits of natural additives, widely demonstrated in farm trials

Several field trials have shown that Alquernat Nebsui allows an improvement in ROI of 43%, an increase of meat and egg production and, at the same time, savings in feed. It also improves digestive health and saves on medicines.

On the other hand, Alquermold Natural is a natural preservative that allows a return on investment of 35%, it is used at a low dose and, in addition, as it has a wide spectrum of action, it allows to replace more than one product. For example, it can replace preservatives of different types, by reducing the amount of product to be used and maintaining the nutritional value of the food. In addition, as an added value, it serves as an intestinal microbiocidal and prevents infectious diseases and reduces the presence of pathogens such as E. coli or Salmonella.

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