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Improve the protection against coccidiosis with Alquernat Coneb

Improve the protection against coccidiosis with Alquernat Coneb

Biovet presented a trial to reduce the consequences of these parasites in poultry using pronutrients

On  January 26th of 2021, Biovet S.A. presented the trial “Use of Alquernat Coneb alone and in combination with coccidiostats in experimentally challenged broilers with Eimeria spp” at the International Poultry Scientific Forum (IPSF), which was held concurrently with the IPPE Market Place.

The trial carried out in India analysed the use of intestinal optimizer and conditioner pronutrients to improve intestinal welfare and prevent coccidiosis in broilers.

Use of intestinal conditioner and optimizer pronutrients to prevent coccidiosis

Alquernat Coneb, marketed and developed by Biovet S.A., is the product that contains these types of pronutrients. They are active molecules from plant extracts that can stimulate intestinal cells of the animals.

Specifically, intestinal conditioner pronutrients stimulate the regeneration of the mucosa and the recovery of the intestinal integrity, while intestinal optimizer pronutrients promote the local immunity of the intestine so that the animals can can cope with the infestation of coccidia.

In the trial, broilers were experimentally infested with Eimeria, and Alquernat Coneb was used as the sole coccidiosis preventive product. Its effect was also evaluated in combination with salinomycin (on top and in shuttle programs) and compared with a program with traditional coccidiostats.

Alquernat Coneb, an effective natural alternative to reduce the impact of coccidiosis in broilers

Results showed that Alquernat Coneb is an effective natural product to prevent coccidiosis. All batches with preventive programs, included the one with Alquernat Coneb, obtained better weights, especially the batch with Alquernat Coneb and salinomycin (+152,1 g/bird).

In addition, feed conversion rate improved significantly (up to 4.5%), and it was markedly worse in the batch that received the infection but no preventative.

The number of oocysts eliminated in the feces decreased significantly in all groups with preventive products (it got reduced by 63.7% in the batch with Alquernat Coneb). This is related to a lower probability of reinfection in birds.

Alquernat Coneb can replace chemical coccidiostats

Results show that Alquernat Coneb is a very versatile product: it is capable to protect the birds when used alone and it also shows positive effects in combination with other coccidiostats.

In addition, as it is a natural product, it presents some advantages to the use of conventional coccidiostats since it does not create resistances, does not require withdrawal period, and has no adverse effects on the animals.


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