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Biovet International Symposium

Biovet International Symposium

The event will be distributed in several virtual sessions that will present the latest news of the company

Due to the current situation caused by COVID-19, this year the Biovet International Symposium will be held online. The congress, which was scheduled to take place in Dublin on October 2 and 3, will take place virtually in autumn through a videoconference program.

The program will be distributed in several training sessions where the results of the latest trials and studies carried out with pronutrients and natural solutions of Biovet S.A. will be presented. Specifically, this online symposium will have four sessions over a period of two weeks, where several international speakers will present the Biovet solutions which have been evaluated in in vivo an in vitro trials.

An example of this will be the presentations about  the use of the intestinal conditioner pronutrients (Alquernat Nebsui) as a replacement for chemical additives, such as antibiotics growth promoters, both in poultry and in pig farming; as well as its combination with other substances, such as butyrate or prebiotics in birds, or zinc oxide in pigs.

Among others, there will be a session about the natural tools to improve production parameters in laying hens. This conference will detail the use of Biovet’s natural antimicrobial, Alquermold Natural, to reduce microbial load, a factor of great importance in the laying phase.

The Biovet International Symposium is of great importance, that’s why and despite the current situation, we would like to update our customers and collaborators on the latest news of our company. Read more about the program here.


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