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Biovet International Symposium 2023

1) In this April 2023 our XXXIX BIOVET INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM will be held at the University of Cordoba. This annual activity is the concretion of the essence of Biovet since it joins the clinical activity on the farm, research in university centers and the development of specific products for specific concrete problems. this edition, coordinated by the organizing committee, presents important news in veterinary nutrition, among which we highlight:

1.1 The NATURBALANCE line is formed by 18 products intended for feeding domestic, sports and hunting dogs.

1.2 Use of ALQUERFEED DIATOM in pregnant and lactating sows.

1.3 Nutrition of laying hens at risk stages of fat liver.

1.4 Presentation of ALQUERFEED BIOTA a specialty designed to prevent intestinal dysbiosis, an emerging process, which starts with rapid transit, ending in intestinal processes that may affect consumers’ food safety.

1.5 Products for aquaculture and turkeys

1.6 Legal news in the sector.

(2) This agenda constitutes the best update of what is currently going on in veterinary nutrition, carried out with scientific rigor and with a commitment to the production of safe and affordable food for a human population of 8,000 million people.

(3) Since its beginnings, in 1984, Biovet, S.A. has convened a yearly BIOVET SYMPOSIUM as a platform to present, to its distributors and customers, the research that has been, year after year, the origin of the product catalog:

  • preservatives
  • mycotoxin binders
  • pronutrients
  • egg products
  • lactoproducts
  • fishing line products
  • antioxidants
  • up to 160 products

(4) This activity has been completed with the annual participation in a fair of the sector and the presentation of a conference at the scientific congress of said fair.

(5) In the first years the BIOVET SYMPOSIUM was held, together with the participation in EXPOAVIGA in Barcelona (alternate years with the WPSA congress in different cities) and sporadic participations in other scientific conferences such as:

  • AVEPA (small animals)
  • A.E.M (mycology)
  • Conference mycoxicosis of the National Veterinary Laboratory of Portugal.
  • French Association of Medical Mycology

(6) With the opening of Biovet, S.A. to the international market, since 1994 the BIOVET SYMPOSIUM acquired the character of an INTERNATIONAL BIOVET SYMPOSIUM, maintaining the same format and essence, becoming headquarters, first, in the College of Veterinarians of Tarragona and later on in the Chamber of Commerce of Tarragona although every 5 years is held at the University of Córdoba.

(7) Attendance to the BIOVET INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM is restricted to customers, distributors and researchers since in addition to the talks, private meetings are held to plan activities.

(8) These work activities are completed with cultural activities and the annual public delivery of Biovet awards for:

8.1 Best commercial development

8.2 Best scientific development

8.3 Best technological development

(9) News of the activities of the BIOVET INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM are published on the authorized sites: Biovet website and in Veterinaria Digital website.

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