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Biovet S.A. International Symposium for Russia


The International Symposium of Biovet S.A. will present the products available for the Russian market.

On February 8, 2022, Biovet S.A. will organize an International Symposium for the Russian market via Zoom. This event will start at 8.30 a.m. (CET)

Mycotoxin binders to be presented at Biovet International Symposium for Russia

The first session of the Symposium will address mycotoxin binders. It will start with the conference of Igor Skripa about the effects of mycotoxins in poultry production. Then, Dr. Ekaitz Maguregui, from technical department of Biovet S.A., will present the impact of mycotoxins in pigs. Finally, representatives of the company Konsul (Belrus) will present the advantages of using Alquerfeed Antitox and the field tests that support its efficiency.

These toxins of fungal origin have a great economic impact on poultry and swine farming due to the lesions they generate in different organs. Alquerfeed Antitox is a mycotoxin binder based on a patented molecule called Silicoglycidol. The administration of the product allows mycotoxins to pass through the intestinal tract without irritating the wall (enteritis) and without being absorbed (mycotoxicosis). Moreover, thanks to its molecular structure, it does not adsorb other products such as vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, or drugs.

Alquermold Natural is a natural preservative for raw materials

The second session of the Russia Symposium will be focused on preservatives. Initially, Dr. Julia Pié, from Biovet S.A., will explain the use of Alquermold Natural in the control of digestive pathogens in poultry. In addition to this, Dr. Maria Soriano will approach the use of this same product for the control of microbiological quality in pig feed. Representatives of the company EcoResources will present the use of Alquermold Natural as feed preservative.

Raw materials and feed supplied to animals can be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria that affect their health. Alquermold Natural is a natural preservative with bactericidal and fungicidal activity ideal for raw materials and feed. It is composed of cimenol ring and citric acid. Therefore, it also promotes the balance of the digestive flora and has a biocidal effect by counteracting the growth of pathogenic species such as Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium, and Staphylococcus.

Benefits of pronutrients in animal production

Finally, the third and last session of the event will discuss topics related to pronutrients. Thus, Dr. Maguregui will present the use of Alquernat Nebsui in post-weaning piglets. Also, Dr. David Díez will present the use of this product in laying hens.

Pronutrients are molecules that improve the physiology of animals and increase their productive performance and welfare. Alquernat Nebsui contains intestinal conditioner pronutrients that promote enterocyte regeneration and optimize digestive processes. In this way, the administration of the product improves nutrient absorption and replaces antibiotic growth promoters used in the animal industry.

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