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Use of Alquerzim to improve digestibility in broilers diets

Use of Alquerzim to improve digestibility

The Biovet International Symposium opened with a conference on the use of the enzymatic in poultry production

On Thursday 18th March Biovet S.A. held the Biovet International Symposium 2021 online. The sessions were presented in English and Spanish and there were participants from Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Recent developments in enzymes, mycotoxin binders and preservatives were presented.

Optimization of commercial diets using Alquerzim’ was the first session of the Biovet Symposium. The conference explained the results of a trial which evaluates the use of Alquerzim (developed by Biovet S.A.) in broilers. It is an enzymatic effective to improve digestibility and the utilization of diets based on corn, soy, and wheat.

Optimization of broiler diets with Alquerzim

The trial was carried out in the experimental farm of the Universidad Científica del Sur and was presented by Dr. Connie Gallardo. Three batches were used in this study: one control batch, one batch with Alquerzim, and a batch using other enzymes.

Each batch consisted of 100 broilers, for a total of 300 birds. Weight and weekly gain, conversion rate and viability were the parameters evaluated. Results showed that the two enzymes were able to significantly improve the productive results compared to the control batch. Better results were found both in weight, as well as in conversion rate and viability.

In addition, Alquerzim was the most effective enzymatic to improve digestibility. The batch supplemented with the product obtained 50,58 g/bird more of weight and improve in 2,53% the conversion rate compared to other birds supplemented with other enzymes.

From the results obtained, it can be concluded that, in one million of broilers, Alquerzim helps to produce 50 tons more of meat and saves 134.5 tons of feed compared to other enzymatic products.

Biovet International Symposium 2021

The Biovet International Symposium is the space designed to disseminate and present the results of these studies to distributors, customers, and collaborators. An international forum created to discuss the quality of feed for animals intended for human consumption. Two more conference were presented in the session for pig production: one of them on the prevention of mycotoxicosis and possible liver damage in pigs through the use of Silicoglycidol and liver conditioner pronutrients; and the second, on the use of preservatives and intestinal conditioner pronutrients in the improvement of intestinal integrity and welfare, as well as in the prevention of dysbiosis.



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