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Biovet and Adivet at AMEVEA Peru 2023

Biovet S.A., in collaboration with the Peruvian distributor, Adivet, attended the XII International Seminar AMEVEA Peru 2023, held from May 31st to June 2nd in Lima, Peru.

The event, organised by the Peruvian Association of Veterinarians Specialised in Poultry (AMEVEA), brought together professionals, technicians, veterinarians, and stakeholders to discuss issues related to aviculture. We were present with a stand, where we welcomed and answered our customers’ questions.

The conference talks offered a comprehensive perspective to the audience on innovative and sustainable animal production, enhancing environmentally conscious solutions, such as the management of various diseases that cause a tremendous loss to the industry.

Control of Newcastle Disease

The highly contagious global disease in aviculture, the Newcastle disease, was a central topic of the lectures. The viral infection in poultry usually presents with respiratory and nervous symptoms. Morbidity and mortality can reach 100% in unvaccinated broilers.

Although, it is a partially vaccine-preventable disease, yet the correct immunization is a key component of mitigating the risk of catching the disease.

Biovet S.A. has developed Alquernat Immuplus, a natural solution based on immunostimulant pronutrients, active molecules from plant extracts, which physiologically stimulate the activity of immune system cells. Its administration in feed or drinking water on the days before and after the vaccination improves the response of the animals to vaccines and increases their protection against the disease by increasing the synthesis of antibodies. Several trials have shown improved efficacy in protection against Newcastle disease.

Updates on Infectious Bronchitis in Poultry and its Management

This topic showed remarkable insights into the disease, which also has a significant negative impact on broilers. Infectious bronchitis is known to cause high mortality and significant losses in egg production. Many field strains have been described in the Middle East and Africa, making it impossible to develop a specific vaccine for each new strain.

It is, therefore, necessary to boost the effectiveness of vaccines and to ensure the immune status of the birds prior to vaccine administration. Also, in the prevention of this disease, Alquernat Immuplus is a fundamental tool that promotes the synthesis of antibodies, thus ensuring the vaccine response.

In addition to the topics addressed in the conferences, other important issues of the sector were discussed, such as food quality and microbial challenges of poultry. We presented our products to clients and distributors that tackle these areas, such as the intestinal optimizer Alquernat Zycox and the preservative of raw materials Alquermold Natural, which also controls the intestinal pathogenic flora.

As our natural solutions do not leave residues in animals and are great alternatives to antibiotics, they have a key role in animal welfare and the current challenges of the poultry industry.

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