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Biovet at AAAP 2023

Join our lecture at the Annual Meeting of the AAAP in Jacksonville

Biovet at AAAP 2023

The American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP) Annual Meeting is an outstanding symposium which provides a unique opportunity to share and discuss the latest findings and issues regarding avian diseases. The event will take place in Jacksonville, Florida, between 11-14 June 2023.

Lecture on the effects of a natural microbiocide

In this edition, the technical representatives of Biovet S.A. will present the latest research on poultry welfare and food safety, by presenting a talk on the control of Salmonella infantis, the result of their recent research.

The lecture titled the “Effect of the use of a natural microbiocide for the control of Salmonella Infantis loads in the gut, and to improve performance in broiler chickens” will be held on the 14th of June at 08:30.

Salmonella Infantis is one of the most common bacteria in poultry farms with the highest resistance to antibiotics. Furthermore, this pathogen represents a serious risk to public health, since it causes cross-contamination in slaughterhouses and meat processing plants, and thus can cause zoonotic disease in humans.

To mitigate risk, it is essential to maintain prevention systems in poultry farms to avoid contamination of poultry products for human consumption.

Recently, Biovet S.A. has developed a natural antimicrobial marketed under the name Alquermold SI. The product has a powerful bactericide effect and is specially designed to reduce Salmonella loads in the digestive tract.

With several tests carried out, Alquermold SI has been proven to be much more effective in the control of Salmonella Infantis than the use of formaldehyde. 

Join the lecture of Biovet S.A. in Jacksonville and discover the natural solution that promote intestinal welfare and productivity of poultry, the key factors of providing safe, nutritious, and sufficient food for the world.

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