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Biovet S.A. renews the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) certificate

FDA CertificateOne more year, Biovet S.A. renews the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) certificate. This title guarantees the food safety of the products that are marketed.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for protecting public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, quality, and protection of drugs, vaccines, and other biological products and medical devices for human and veterinary use.

FDA examines, evaluates, and approves a wide range of products for medical use, including drugs, foods, cosmetics, and many other health-related products, including animal feed additives. For a drug or medical device to receive FDA approval, the manufacturer must prove to the FDA that the product is safe and effective.

Since 2009, Biovet S.A. renews this FDA Certificate, which is a guarantee seal in terms of quality and manufacturing of the products marketed by Biovet.


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