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Biovet S.A. renews the FAMI QS certificate

FAMI Certficate

One more year, Biovet S.A. Laboratories has renewed the Fami QS certificate, a title that, in addition to quality, ensures that the company’s products are manufactured in accordance with the applied regulations.

Food safety is a priority issue for both consumers and companies in the food industry. For this reason, European Union regulations require that additives in animal feed and veterinary drugs undergo a complete scientific evaluation that demonstrates their harmlessness for people, animals and the environment.

In this sense, Fami-QS – an independent company located in Brussels, has developed a pre-eminent food safety and quality management system for the sector of feed ingredients and premixes.

The FAMI-QS certification scheme addresses food safety, food quality and also regulatory compliance.

Biovet S.A. renews the FAMI QS title every year, since 2013. The renewal of this title certifies that the products of Biovet S.A. are of the appropriate quality and that they have been manufactured following the regulatory parameters.


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