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30 years of Alquerfeed trademark

30 years of Alquerfeed trademark

This product line is composed of mycotoxin binders, nutritionals and preservatives

This 2020 the trademark of Biovet S.A. Alquerfeed is 30 years old since it was first registered in Spain. The Alquerfeed line is composed of nutritionals, preservatives and mycotoxin binders intended for poultry, pig, ruminants or aquaculture.

In 1990 it was registered in Spain and later the registration was extended to many other countries. Nowadays, it has a prominent presence in several countries of the American, European and Asian continents. Its history has shown that it is an effective product to improve animal nutrition, which has allowed to gain the trust of costumers and producers and to remain in the market for 30 years.

The products of Alquerfeed line

The Alquerfeed line is composed of nutritionals, preservatives or mycotoxin binders. Among the mycotoxin binders, Alquerfeed Antitox stands out. It is based on the patented molecule Silicoglycidol and its use allows mycotoxins pass through the intestinal tract without being absorbed and without causing irritation. It is effective in a low dose (0.5 g/kg) and does not adsorb in its structure other beneficial products for the animals such as vitamins, enzymes or aminoacids.

In some cases, mycotoxin binders are combined with other molecules to adapt to specific requirements. It is the case of Alquerfeed Asinol that combines mycotoxin binder with a natural preservative for the control of pathogenic microorganism which can be found in feed.

In addition to mycotoxin binders, the line also includes nutritional products among them: growth enhancers, mineral absorption and eggshell enhancers, revitalizers and antioxidants, among others.




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