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Technical visits in Europe

In November, a technical team of Biovet S.A. visited Lithuania, Poland and Ireland to conduct technical visits with representatives of the main poultry and swine companies as well as feedmills.

The reduction of antibiotics, the organic production and the presence of mycotoxins in feed were the main problems detected during the trip. For this, pronutrient line was presented. It is a line composed of natural products which can replace antibiotics and other chemical additives commonly used in animal production. For the adsorption of mycotoxins, the use of Alquerfeed Antitox, mycotoxin binder of Biovet S.A., was indicated.

Pronutrients to replace antibiotics growth promoters

The European Union is committed to the elimination of antibiotics in the breeding of animals for human consumption. It was in 2006 when the European Commission banned the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) within its borders and in imported products as part of the Regulation of Additives in Animal Feed. In October of 2018 the prohibition extended to all antimicrobials of preventive use.

In this regards, antibiotic free production is one of the main concerns of European producers. For that reason, one of the products that aroused most interest in the meetings was Alquernat Nebsui. It is a product composed of plant extracts rich in pronutrients intestinal conditioners which can replace antibiotics growth promoters and reinforce animal welfare.

On the other hand, the use of Alquernat Nebsui can also replace zinc oxide, a chemical additive used in European farms as a treatment to reduce the incidence of weaning diarrhea. In 2015, the Committee for Veterinary Medicines (CVMP) detected an environmental risk arising from the use of zinc oxide and in 2017 the European Commission revoked the authorisations for the marketing of veterinary products containing zinc oxide. Finally, this additive will be banned in 2022.

Several trials carried out by Biovet S.A. demonstrated that the use of pronutrients intestinal conditioners reduce the presence of diarrhea by 42% compared to the use of zinc oxide.

Furthermore, other pronutrients intended to reinforce the immune system of the animals (Alquernat Immuplus) or mineral absorption improvers (Alquernat Magacal) were also presented.

Mycotoxin binders

DON and Zeralenona are some of the mycotoxins which can be found in the countries visited. The presence of mycotoxins in food and feed is potentially dangerous for animal and human health. Its appearance annually costs millions of euros expenses throughout the world, causing problems in human health, animal health and agricultural products.

Alquerfeed Antitox it is presented as an effective solution for this problem. It is a mycotoxin binder based on the Silicoglycidol molecule with the ability to bind a broad spectrum of mycotoxins and with the peculiarity that it does not adsorb beneficial nutrients for the animal.

Booming organic production in Europe

Another of the important points discussed at the meetings was organic production, a trend that is increasingly popular in European countries. In August 2019, Biovet obtained the organic certification which guarantees that its products have been produced, processed, packed and commercialized according to the European Union environmental legislation.


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