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Training for Biovet’s technical-commercial team

Training for Biovet's technical-commercial team

On Wednesday March 2, 2022, Biovet S.A. organized a training for company’s veterinary and commercial team. The technical and sales team participated in the conference as well as production and logistics staff.

Dr. Jaime Borrell, president of the company, conducted the training that was focused on the analysis of the market at the present time, study of the logistics situation and future prospects. Future trials and technical developments that improve the company’s products were also proposed at the meeting.

Finally, the organization of the XXXVII Biovet International Symposium to be held on May 12 and 13 was also discussed.

Biovet S.A. this type of trainings on regular basis in order to update the global market situation and seek ways of improvements and developments for the company and its customers.


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