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Biovet S.A. Renews FDA Certifications for 2024

Biovet S.A. Renews FDA Certifications for 2024, Ensuring the Quality and Safety of its Products in the United States

Biovet S.A., a leader in natural premixes and additives for animal feed, is pleased to announce the successful renewal of its certifications by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the year 2024.

These FDA-awarded certifications reflect Biovet S.A.’s absolute commitment to the highest standards of quality and safety in its products designed to improve the physiology and welfare of the animals.

Since its foundation, Biovet S.A. has demonstrated an unwavering focus on excellence and innovation in the development of products for animal health. The renewal of FDA certifications for 2024 is a testimony to the company’s dedication to maintaining and surpassing the rigorous regulatory standards demanded by the industry.

The renewal of these certifications underscores the trust that Biovet’s customers can have in the quality of the products they acquire, as well as in the integrity of the company’s manufacturing processes.

certificado FDA - Biovet


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