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Visit of the Bangladesh distributor in Tarragona

Commercial visit in Tarragona

Biovet S.A. received this week the commercial visit of the Bangladesh distributor, Doctor’s Agrovet. The representatives of the distribution company, Dr. Tusar Chowdhury and Dr. Rafiul Karim had meetings with the management team of Biovet S.A. at the Tarragona headquarters.

During the sessions, future commercial strategies were established, the needs of the Bengali market were analyzed, and the bases were laid to introduce new Biovet products into the distributor’s portfolio.

After participating in VIV Asia 2023, between March 8 and 10, Biovet will attend together with Doctor’s Agrovet in the 12th International Poultry Show & Seminar-2023, which will be organized in Dhaka, on March 16, 17 and 18.


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