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Biovet and Adivet successfully conclude the Symposium for Peru and the Andean region

Biovet and Adivet successfully conclude the Symposium for Peru and the Andean region

On 13, 14 and 16 September 2022, Biovet S.A., together with ADIVET, distributor of the company in Peru, organized a Symposium Biovet for Peru and the Andean region that was completed with three technical conferences held in Chincha, Trujillo and Lima.

conferences in Trujillo

The conferences focused on presenting the main poultry and pig pathologies, as well as strategies to improve efficiency in poultry and pig farms, emphasizing intestinal welfare, liver physiology and immunity.

presenting the main poultry and pig pathologies

Balance of the intestinal microbiota to improve productive efficiency in animal production 

The digestive system is a key to achieve great production parameters on a farm. That is why it is important to maintain intestinal welfare and prevent diseases at this level to obtain optimal production parameters and maintain the appropriate standards for food safety.

Pronutrients, molecules of botanical origin that stimulate the animal’s physiology, were the protagonists of the talks. Specifically, intestinal conditioner pronutrients were presented, which favor the balance of the microbiota and can reverse dysbiosis caused by the presence of microorganisms in poultry and pig farms.

This type of pronutrient, marketed in the product Alquernat Nebsui from Biovet S.A., promotes the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa and the integrity of the intestinal epithelium. In such a way that the product improves the digestibility of the feed, increases the absorption of nutrients and maintains the balance of the intestinal flora.

increases the absorption of nutrients and maintains the balance of the intestinal flora

Prevention of coccidiosis by using intestinal optimizers

Another of the products presented during the conferences was Alquernat Zycox, in this case it contains intestinal optimizer pronutrients, which stimulate the local immunity of the intestine, favoring the ability of the animal’s immune system to break the cycle of coccidia and prevent their multiplication.

Most important pathologies in the Andean region

In the conferences, Dr. David Diez, veterinarian of Biovet S.A., also described the main pathologies found in Peru and the Andean region, among which the ‘Toxic Infectious Hepatonteritis’ stood out, a disease with a high prevalence throughout the region.

David Diez

Dr. Diez recommended the use of Alquermold Natural to minimize the effects of this pathology. It is a natural compound with powerful bactericidal and fungicidal activity, based on the synergy between the cimenol ring and citric acid. It works as a natural preservative for feed and as an intestinal microbiocide allowing to prevent infectious diseases and reduce the presence of pathogens such as E. coli or Salmonella.

Infectious bronchitis was another of the pathologies discussed during the technical conferences. For these cases, the use of immunostimulant pronutrients, marketed in the product Alquernat Immuplus, was recommended. This type of pronutrient strengthens the immune system of animals and increases the antibody titer when administered associated with vaccination.

Veterinarians, technical staff and clients of Adivet participated in the conferences

The balance of the microbiota and its importance in organic functioning

Veterinarians, technical staff and clients of Adivet participated in the conferences and were preceded by an academic conference entitled “The balance of the microbiota and its importance in organic functioning” that Dr. Díez held at the Peruvian Academy of Veterinary Sciences on Monday 12 September 2022.



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