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Alquermold Natural and Alquernat Nebsui at the 17th Conference on Animal Nutrition and Feed Science and Technology

Alquermold Natural and Alquernat Nebsui

Biovet S.A. will be represented at the event by its distributor Beijing Chengzhi Zhonghe Biotechnology Co. Ltd

From August 16-18, Beijing Distributor Chengzhi Zhonghe Biotechnology Co. Ltd. is sponsoring the 17th Conference on Animal Nutrition and Feed Science and Technology.

The event, organized by the Shandong Feed Industry Association, will be held at the Blue Horizon Yuhua Hotel in the city of Tai’an, located in China’s Shandong province. The theme of this year’s forum is “The Renaissance of Science and Technology in Agriculture and Livestock.”

On this occasion, Biovet will be represented by its distributor Beijing Chengzhi Zhonghe Biotechnology Co. Ltd., where Dr. Vincent, technical manager of the company, will hold a conference where the characteristics of Alquermold Natural and Alquernat Nebsui, and the Biovet solutions for its application in poultry, swine and aquaculture will be presented.

Alquermold Natural natural preservative and digestive antimicrobial

Alquermold Natural is a natural compound with powerful bactericidal and fungicidal activity, based on the synergy between the cimenol ring, an active compound of botanical origin, and citric acid. It works as a natural preservative for feed and as a natural digestive antimicrobial.

Its application in raw material and feed allows to maintain the nutritional value of the food, with an immediate broad-spectrum effect and lasting up to 6 months.

Its microbicidal properties allow it to be also effective against fungi and pathogenic bacteria present in the digestive tract, where it allows to eliminate microorganisms such as E. coli, Salmonella and Clostridium, and promote the balance of the intestinal microbiota.

Intestinal conditioner pronutrients to stimulate intestinal regeneration

On the other hand, Alquernat Nebsui is a natural solution based on intestinal conditioner pronutrients, molecules of botanical origin essential for the proper functioning of enterocytes. Thanks to the use of Alquernat Nebsui, the regeneration and integrity of the intestinal mucosa is improved, the absorption of nutrients is increased, and the defense function of the epithelium is optimized.

Its effect on intestinal morphology and physiology, Alquernat Nebsui has proved to increase the absorption of vitamins and amino acids, as well as to improve the productivity and economic performance of the productive cycle.

Beijing Chengzhi Zhonghe Biotechnology Co. Ltd.

Beijing Chengzhi Zhonghe Biotechnology Co. Ltd. is a Chinese company located in the capital Beijing, which aims to import high-quality agricultural products from Europe.


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