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Biovet S.A. at the IPPE 2020

Biovet S.A. at the IPPE 2020

One more time, Biovet S.A. has attended the IPPE 2020 held in the Georgia World Congress from 28 to 30 January. This time, attendees were able to find Biovet representatives at booth C10301, in addition to attend the conference and meetings scheduled for the days of the exhibition.

Those interested could receive information about the latest tests carried out with pronutrients line, specifically with the products Alquernat Zycox (intestinal optimizer), Alquernat Nebsui (intestinal conditioner) and Alquernat Coneb (intestinal conditioner and optimizer). Additionally, the mycotoxin binders and natural preservatives were also central issues on this edition.

Alquermold Natural for the prevention of necrotic enteritis

In the framework of this international exhibition, Dr. David Diez, veterinarian of Biovet S.A., gave a conference where the results of a trial with the natural antimicrobial, Alquermold Natural, for the prevention of necrotic enteritis in broilers was presented.

The trial compared the results obtained in a control batch and a batch treated with Alquermold Natural, used as a preventative, and where the birds were infected with Clostirdium perfringens, etiologic agent of necrotic enteritis.

Differences in the results were observed, both in productive parameters and in the lesions detected in the intestine:

On the one hand, an improvement of the productive parameters was observed in the batch treated with Alquermold Natural, especially the conversion rate with an improvement of 6.09% and the efficiency index with an improvement of 52.4 points. A lower mortality was also observed in said bath.

On the other hand, it was observed that, by administering Alquermold Natural, the lesions in the intestine usually caused by Clostridium Perfringens are prevented since they were not observed in the batch treated with Alquermold Natural.

With the results of this test it can be concluded that the Alquermold Natural product, manufactured by Biovet S.A., is an effective natural alternative for the prevention of necrotic enteritis.




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