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BSG, the distributors of Biovet S.A. Laboratories in China conduct a training

The distributors of Biovet S.A in China, Beijing Saint Green (BSG), conducted a commercial training at the end of August, in their offices in Qinhuangdao (China). The meeting was divided into two sessions: the first session by Dr. Yun was dedicated to the marketing of additives of natural origin in the Asian market; the second one, by Professor Yu, from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, and by Dr. Liang was aimed at technical topics and the results of recent university tests.

Regarding the products of Biovet S.A. with wide expansion in China, the products highlighted were: Alquernat Inmuplus P (powder premix) and L (oral solution), within the line of immunostimulant pronutrients, and the preservative Alquermold Natural. According to representatives of BSG, “the Chinese industry is immersed in a process of reducing or eliminating the use of chemical products in animal farming, so the use of products of natural origin manufactured and developed by Biovet S.A. is a great opportunity.”

In this sense, they stressed that “the effect of the Alquernat Inmuplus, based on pronutrients (extracts of plants of natural origin), stimulates the specific and non-specific immune system of the animal. So, the product strengthens both immunity in young animals, whose immune system is immature, and in adults, especially in races of rapid growth or high prolificacy. They also mentioned that “these products also increase the response to vaccination in adult animals.”

On one hand, the preservative, Alquermold Natural, a premix powder and oral solution, has bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal activity for raw materials and animal feed, by combining an active substance called the cimenol ring with citric acid. It also works as an intestinal biocide, promotes the balance of the digestive flora and preventing the growth of Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium and Staphylococcus, among other bacteria. Among its advantages, “it does not affect beneficial bacteria”, pointed BSG.

Regarding the dosage of the preservative, the experts emphasized that Alquermold Natural P is administered “mixed with the feed at a dose of 0.4-1 g / kg”, while the Alquermold Natural L is administered “mixed with the feed at a dose of 0.4-1 ml / kg or with drinking water at a dose of 0.5 ml / l for 5 days or at 0.25 ml / l continuously.”


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