Analysis of the efficacy of Alquernat Inmuplus in pigs vaccinated with Influenza and Mycoplasma vaccines

Analysis of the efficacy of Alquernat Inmuplus in pigs vaccinated with Influenza and Mycoplasma vaccines


The aim of the trial was to evaluate the effect of immunostimulant pronutrients Alquernat Inmuplus in the improvement of the immune response when vaccinating against the Swine Influenza Virus (SIV) and Mycoplasma sp. the analysis of the productive parameters (weight) and the antibody titre.


The length of the trial was of 42 days and post-weaned piglets (3 weeks old) were used for the purpose. Animals were separated in 4 batches. Batches 1 and 2 were not vaccinated, being batch 1 just fed with basal diet, while batch 2 was fed with a basal diet combined with immunostimulant pronutrients. Batches 3 and 4 were vaccinated, but just batch 4 had included immunostimulant pronutrients with the basal diet.



No significant differences among productive parameters were observed. In contrast, there were differences regarding antibody titers between the two vaccinated batches.

Just piglets of batch 4 (vaccinated + immunostimulant pronutrients) were positive to Mycoplasma Antibodies on day 21st of the trial. By the 42nd day of the trial, both pathologies had their antibody titers improved (9% in Influenza and 57% in Mycoplasma). In the case of Influenza, a 40% more of piglets showed to have positive antibody titers, which means they were protected against the illness, in the batch that was fed with the immunostimulant pronutrients compared to the batch that was just vaccinated.




Immunostimulant pronutrients have no effect on weight, since it is not their main function. On the other hand, they do have effect over the antibody titers: specific antibodies production is increased against mycoplasmoses and influenza in vaccinated pigs, which leads to a higher resistance to these illnesses.

These immunostimulant pronutrients are commercially available under the name of Alquernat Immuplus.

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