Biovet International Symposium in Atlanta

Biovet International Symposium in Atlanta

From February 2nd to 4th, 2017 the XXVIII Biovet Symposium for America was held in Atlanta, where clients, distributors, universities and technical staff participated to discuss the latest product news and new research of Biovet S.A.

During the Symposium several papers were developed where the properties of several products of the company such as PronutrientsAlquernat Nebsui and Alquernat Zycox, Alquernat Inmuplus and Alquermold Natural were exposed. All sessions were accompanied by the results of in vitro studies demonstrating the efficacy of the use of these products.

Presentations were given by researchers from various universities:  Dr. John Brake (North Carolina State University), Dr. Sagar M. Goyal (University of Minnesota) and Dr. Yu (University of Fujian); And Dras Anna Tesouro and Cristina Latasa from Biovet, S.A.

To conclude the Symposium, a topical on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was presented and a conference was held on the most common avian pathologies in the world. These presentations were made by Carlos Domench and Julia Pie from Biovet, S.A with the collaboration of Drs. J.Brake and E.Torres.

Once again, Biovet held this Symposium with the intention of continuing to promote research into new product lines and disseminate the results with the aim of improving production parameters and meet the market needs.

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