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Rural Poultry at the III International Poultry Course

The III International Poultry Course was held on October 20th and 21st in Lima (Peru) with a large attendance of students of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, veterinarians and professionals of the poultry industry. During the second session of the course, moderated by the rector of the Scientific University of the South (Científica), Dr. Manuel Rosemberg, “rural poultry and ecology” was addressed.

Renowned personalities such as: Fernando Castro, (FAO- United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture); Inspector Veterinary Eduardo J. Torres, specialist in Spanish native breeds; Ricardo Pedraglio (biologist, Peruvian Association of Poultry Exposition); Miguel Alejo Espinoza(ISAMISA) and Montserrat Álamos (Generalitat de Catalunya) participated in this session.

The afternoon session began with a presentation made by the Inspector Eduardo J. Torres, entitled: “Improvement actions in farms of native poultry breeds”. In the same he explained that “the improvement of the rural exploitations is a political, social, sanitary and economic duty”.

In his opinion, “the current exploitations of local breeds have been kept in line with the characteristics of the birds, the possibilities of management and the idiosyncrasy of the population, so that the farms must be sufficiently profitable based on the increase of the productivity, the increase of the efficiency and the improvement of the commercialization, to the minimum cost”.

For his part, Fernando Castro (FAO) gave a presentation entitled “International experiences of criole bird breeding and importance of food security”. Castro highlighted “the advantages of meat and eggs compared to other animal proteins, since poultry meat reaches an average family without the need to refrigerate, while pigs and cattle are saved for festive occasions. In addition, eggs can be purchased in small quantities and an egg is a meal by itself”.

Likewise, Montserrat Álamos of the Generalitat de Catalunya, described the “Management of poultry farms: industrial, rural and ecological”, that is, the security measures that farms in Catalonia must comply.

Regarding biosecurity and animal health, Álamos stressed that “all farms must comply: location conditions; exterior insulation: perimeter fencing; disinfection of vehicles in the access to the farm; cleaning and disinfection systems at the entrance of each nave; systems to control and reduce the entry of birds or other animals possible vectors of diseases to the naves” and assured that the “new facilities have to be designed not to allow the entrance of lorries and the removal of droppings, that must be done from outside”. In addition, farms must have a “sanitary-hygienic program”.

Other presentations that were given during this session dedicated to “rural poultry” are: “Creole hens breeding in Peru for rural and ecological production” (Ricardo Pedraglio) and “Production of Creole chickens for rural and ecological consumption” (Miguel Alejo Espinoza). The course was organized by the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the Scientific University of the South (Científica), located in Lima (Peru) and Biovet S.A., and counted with the sponsorship of Adivet, Alquermes de México and Veterinaria Digital.

You can read more information about this topic at the following links:

The III International Poultry Course addresses avian immunology

Immunology, main topic of the III International Poultry Course

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