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Biovet S.A. attended to the 17 edition of CAHE in China

Biovet had a stand at the 17th edition of the China Animal Husbandry Expo (CAHE), which took place between May 18 and 20 in the city of Wuhan. The city, which has more than 10 million inhabitants, is the capital of the Hubei Province, in central China. This event on animal production is considered to be one of the most important of its kind in the Asian continent.

According to the organization, CAHE is the ideal platform to know the current situation of the Chinese agri-food sector, especially for those companies with intentions to enter this market. Only in last year’s edition, the presence of foreign companies was nearly the 21% out of about 1.200 exhibitors.

The demand for natural products rich in pronutrients by an increasing part of Chinese producers has pushed Biovet to look for new collaborators in that country. Current Biovet’s catalog for the Chinese market is mainly composed by the intestinal preservative and biocide, Alquermold Natural; the mycotoxin-binder, Alquerfeed Antitox; and the intestinal conditioner, Alquernat Nebsui.

However, it is expected that in the short-term the range of products for the Chinese market will expand towards new additive lines, such as the intestinal optimizers range, Alquernat Zycox; the natural immuno booster, Alquernat Inmuplus; Alquerfeed Layers, for the improvement of the absorption of minerals and the quality of the eggshell; or the combination of a natural preservative and a mycotoxin-binder, Alquerfeed Asinol.

Japan: products for the improvement of laying hens’ physiology in one of the world’s largest egg consumer

As a prelude to the CAHE, Biovet’s sales team visited Japan to present its specific product line for the improvement of egg quality to potential distributors in the country. Japan is considered to be the largest consumer of eggs per person in the world. Moreover, due to its gastronomic particularities, eggs are sometimes eaten raw, which is the reasons why quality standards are very demanding in the land of the rising sun. Biovet’s response to the needs of Japanese egg producers goes through two of its products specifically designed to improve layers’ physiology: Alquernat Magacal and Alquerfeed Layers.

On the one hand, Alquernat Magacal’s action takes place in the digestive tract, optimizing the absorption of calcium present in the diet. It needs to be taken into account that for the correct formation of the eggshell layers require formulations rich in calcium and other minerals, as well as other additives to obtain better performance during the laying stage. With this Biovet’s mineral absorption enhancer calcium use is maximized,  enabling better eggshell quality.  In addition, the whole process is achieved without causing imbalances in the intestinal microflora nor inducing any calcium deprivation effect to the bones.

On the other hand, Alquerfeed Layers’ action supplements that of Magacal’s with an extra contribution of minerals, carbonates and vitamins that have a toning effect of the digestive tract, whilst optimizing the absorption of minerals at the same time. Carbonates are of special importance in periods of stress generated by high temperatures, in which hens tend to eliminate calcium necessary to guarantee a correct formation of the shell and general good bone health.


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