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Technical-commercial visit of Biovet in Pakistan to present its range of natural additives

A Biovet’s techical and sales team visited Peshawar (Pakistan) in July coinciding with the presentation of the company in the country, which was carried out in an event organized by Biovet’s distributor Peshawar Traders Private Limited (PTPL). The event brought together the distributor’s technical and commercial staff as well as veterinarians and customers, who all were interested in the use of natural additives for better animal health and nutrition.

On July 18 2019, sales representative Mr. Ferran Brull presented the company’s natural additives to all the event’s attendees. Amongst the main products, they were the mycotoxin binder Alquerfeed Antitox; pronutrients present in the Alquernat Nebsui, the Alquernat Immuplus and the Alquernat Livol lines; the natural preservative Alquermold Natural; and the nutritional AVAL Premium;

Among the products in demand by Pakistani producers are the natural additives based on pronutrients and natural extracts that improve animal physiology.

Conditioners and natural preservatives to improve intestinal efficiency

Alquernat Nebsui, a product based on intestinal-conditioning pronutrients, was the additive that caught most interest during the event. Its administration improves feed digestibility, nutrient absorption and the balance of the intestinal flora. In addition, it also controls the growth of pathogens in the intestine and can either substitute or complement antibiotic growth promoters (AGP).

Alquernat Nebsui also stimulates the regeneration of the digestive mucosa in a physiological way. Therefore, the improvement of the enterocytes’ functioning equals to the enlargement of the nutrient absorption surface. Poultry field trials conducted in commercial farms and universities around the world were presented, both in broilers and layers, which proved the effectiveness of the product.

For its part, the natural preservative Alquermold Natural was also one of the main featured products on the event. It is an additive made from plant extracts that acts as both feed bactericide and fungicide. It prevents feed deterioration and the appearance of infectious diseases. In addition, it can also be used as an intestinal biocide to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms found in the intestine, such as Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium, Staphylococcus or Aspergillus.

It has recently been proven effective for the prevention and treatment of necrotic enteritis, an infection that affects poultry farms globally and causes large economic losses.

Seminar on viral diseases in Bangladesh

The trip to Pakistan was complemented by a technical-commercial visit in Bangladesh, where Biovet’s Dr. David Diez presented a conference on viral diseases affecting Bengal farms, such as infectious bronchitis, Newscastle disease and influenza. These diseases are important due to the productive losses they cause as well as their immunosuppressive effect, which make birds more susceptible to suffer infections by other microorganisms.

As a solution, the use of Alquernat Inmuplus was recommended. It is a natural product aimed at poultry and pig producers, that improves the effectiveness of the animal immune system. It is harmless, does not create resistance and leaves no residue. Its immune response to immunosuppressive pathologies has been proven in cases such as Gumboro disease, Newcastle and infectious bronchitis, among others. In addition, its use helps decreasing the frequency of antibiotic treatments, as well as improving the animal response to vaccination when combined.

In addition to the conference, the Biovet team visited the most important poultry producers and feed mills in the country and gave commercial and technical support to the country’s distributor, Doctor’s Agrovet.




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