Adivet-Biovet swine Seminar in the Peruvian Association of Pig Farmers

Adivet-Biovet swine Seminar in the Peruvian Association of Pig Farmers

Seminar offered by Adivet-Biovet was held. The event was presented by Engineer. Ana Maria Trellez manager of the Association and Engineer Hugo Patiño representing Adivet-Biovet, who highlighted the importance of disease control and improving swine nutrition as a way to increase the efficiency of swine farms in Peru in the current trend of strong growth in this sector in the country. The technical lectures about Swine nephropathy dermatitis syndrome and Use of pronutrients in swine, were given by Dr. Jaime Borrell Biovet’s president and member of the Peruvian Academy of Veterinary Science. The lectures were attended by experts from numerous companies in the sector.

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