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Conference about Pronutrients in the XXVIII National Poultry Congress of ANAVIP

Biovet S.A. Laboratorios will be in the XXVIII National Poultry Congress in Panama ANAVIP 2017 that will be held on November 16th and 17th at the Sheraton Hotel in Panama.

This time, BIOVET will take part of the event with a stand and a conference about Updates on Pronutrients in Poultry, which will be presented by Dr. Francisco Giral. This conference will show new trials carried out by Biovet S.A. about pronutrients, a new technology based on biomolecules from a botanical origin that can reduce the use of chemical additives in animal productionimproving feed safety and maintaining the productive parameters in animal and poultry industries.

From Biovet S.A., we encourage you to come to the congress, which brings together thousands of poultry farmers, and to assist to our conference to get to know more about pronutrients.

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