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Regulatory matters and updates on the second day of the Symposium

The second day of the Symposium began with the presentation of updates on regulatory issues in the European Union, especially when we talk about zinc oxide, the use of antibiotics and coccidiostats. As in many European countries these products will be restricted or prohibited, natural solutions such as those produced and marketed by Biovet S.A. will be an excellent replacement, since they do not leave residues, do not generate resistance, nor do they require a withdrawal period.

updates on regulatory issues in the European Union

In the following presentations, Dra. Montse Álamos presented the new regulations on animal welfare during transport, while Dr. Roberto Minetti informed us about regulatory updates in Latin America.

regulatory updates in Latin America

Alquernat Nebsui to replace zinc oxide in pigs

Intestinal conditioner pronutrients (included in Alquernat Nebsui) act as a natural growth promoter, as demonstrated in the experimental trial in weaned piglets carried out at Fujian University, in China. The batch with Alquernat Nebsui obtained better productive parameters, compared to the use of a product based on zinc oxide.

act as a natural growth promoter

The day concluded with the Biovet awards ceremony for:

The best business development (to Dra. Mary McDonagh for her continuous activity and effort)

The best business development (to Dra. Mary McDonagh for her continuous activity and effort)

The best technological development   (to Dr. Hugo Patiño from Adivet Perú, for the study of the effectiveness of natural preservatives)

The best technological development (to Dr. Hugo Patiño from Adivet Perú, for the study of the effectiveness of natural preservatives)

The best scientific development (to Dr. Alexander Obando from the Universidad Santa María de Arequipa, for his research on the regulation of intestinal transit through fossil minerals)

The best scientific development (to Dr. Alexander Obando from the Universidad Santa María de Arequipa, for his research on the regulation of intestinal transit through fossil minerals)


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