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Keynote lecture by Dr Jaime Borrell Valls at the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Spain

Dr. Borrell Valls abordó el tema de manera magistral bajo el título "Actualización en patología avícola"

On Monday, 27th November, Dr Jaime Borrell Valls, corresponding academician and president of Biovet S.A., held a keynote lecture at the headquarters of the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Spain (RACVE).

The session was chaired by Mr. Arturo R. Anadón Navarro, President of the RACVE, who was accompanied on the podium by Dr Salvio Jiménez Pérez, Vice-President of the RACVE.

During the talk, “Updates on poultry pathology”, Dr Borrell Valls addressed the importance of poultry farming as a key protein-producing sector to feed a population of 8 billion people and highlighted the main actual pathologies widespread on farms in Europe, America and Asia.

Furthermore, poultry production-related aspects were discussed, such as the importance of diagnostics, animal welfare, the use of medication based on scientific criteria and preventive measures with vaccines and pronutrients.

The RACVE scientific session was closed by the president Dr Arturo Anadon and vice-president Dr Salvio Jimenez of the RACVE.the president awarded Dr Borrell Valls a diploma for his participation
Following the presentation, the chairman turned to those present in the audience and who participated virtually in the videoconference to ask questions from the lecturer.

At the end of the session, the president awarded Dr Borrell Valls a diploma for his participation, and Dr Arturo Anadon officially closed the academic event.

The recorded version of the lecture is available in Spanish on the YouTube channel of RACVE.


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