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A technical-commercial team from Biovet visits a shrimp farm (Penaeus Vannamei)in Mexico in July

A technical-commercial team of Biovet S.A. visited the state of Sonora (Mexico) in July to visit a shrimp farm (Penaeus Vannamei) located on the Pacific coast. The white shrimp is native to the eastern coast of the Pacific Ocean, from Sonora, Mexico to the North, to Central and South America to Tumbes in Peru, in water where the temperature is normally above 20 °C throughout the year.

As Dr. Elvira Cano, veterinarian of the Biovet SA team explained, “the implementation of biosecurity and management measures in the cultivation techniques for the growth of Penaeus Vannamei have increased in recent years with the aim of improving the health status and avoiding or to minimize the development of pathogenic microorganisms, such as viral syndromes that affect the state of health, causing immunosuppression, which favors the colonization of other secondary pathogenic microorganisms”.

These measures include: water replacement systems, aeration, phytoplankton monitoring and “a very important aspect”: the control of feed, adapted to each growth phase. In this regard, it should be noted that “the use of pronutrients through diet, improves the physiological state of shrimp and thus reduces the development of pathogenic microorganisms,” said Dr. Cano.

Regarding the pronutrients, Dr. mentioned the “optimizers of the intestinal mucosa, such as Alquernat Zycox,which strengthens the intestinal local immune system”.

On the other hand, “the addition of a preservative to the diet, reduces contamination by pathogenic microorganisms through the feed,” she explained, adding that “the preservative and bactericide Alquermold Natural, prevents or minimizes the development of pathogenic microorganisms, at the same time that it balances the intestinal flora, thanks to its bactericidal effect”.

Shrimp is one of the most tasty and nutritious seafood, belonging to the family of crustaceans. Its consumption experiences considerable growth worldwide.

It is a low-fat and calorie feed; high in proteinsrich vitamins D, E and B12; in iodine, which favors the functioning of nervous and muscular tissues; zinc and selenium, two minerals needed at the cellular level for the activation of enzymes; sodium; potassium; and essential fatty acids, especially omega 3, which have important benefits for the body and to achieve a good cardiovascular function.

Photo *: Visit to a shrimp farm in the state of Sonora, Mexico. Shrimp ponds at the back.


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