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Use of intestinal conditioner pronutrients to reduce reproductive problems in sows

During gestation and lactation, the feed received by the sow is changed according to the phase, and each one has very specific characteristics. This can cause digestive problems in animals, such as the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
It has been seen that the proliferation of toxigenic bacteria at a digestive level can affect the productive parameters in sows (e.g. MMA syndrome) by the presence of toxins in blood.
The characteristics of the different diets that are administered during this period are:

  • During gestation: ↑ fiber and ↓ protein
  • After birth: ↓ fiber and ↑ protein
  • Just after weaning: no feed and no water
  • After: flushing

In an in vivo trial carried out in a swine farm in Tianjin, China, in 2015, capacities of product Alquernat Nebsui an intestinal conditioner pronutrient with cimenol ring and a preservative Alquermold Natural have been analyzed to reduce the number of repetitions in sows as a result of the reduction in pathogenic intestinal flora.

The trial lasted for 6 months (from January to June). It was carried out with 88 animals grouped in a single batch, fed with two different diets:

  • Before April 20: Standard diet without additives.
  •  After 20 April: Standard diet + cimenol ring and intestinal conditioner pronutrients.



With the use of cimenol ring and intestinal conditioner pronutrients, it is possible to reduce the incidence of fermentation processes and the rate of repetition due to a greater control of pathogenic microorganisms in the digestive level, because the sows start the next reproductive cycles in regular periods.

Intestinal conditioner pronutrients are marketed as the product Alquernat Nebsui a product that stimulates the regeneration of the intestinal cells, reordering the structure of the intestinal mucosa, thus reducing its size and increasing its functionality and efficiency. In such way Alquernat Nebsui improves the physiological state of the intestinal mucosa, the absorption of nutrients and controls the growth of intestinal pathogens.

The cimenol ring is commercialized as Alquermold Natural, developed by Biovet S.A, composed of cimenol ring and citric acid. It controls the pathogenic intestinal flora and works as a natural preservative of raw materials and feed. It is effective at low doses, with proved immediate and long-term efficacy, so it represents an alternative to organic acids.

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