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Technical-commercial visits in the United States

Alquernat Coneb, Alquermold Natural and Alquerfeed Diatom were the most outstanding products during the meetings

Last April, a commercial technical team from IFTA USA and Biovet S.A. made technical visits to the United States. Specifically, producing companies from the states of Ohio and Alabama were visited, to whom both companies were presented, as well as the range of natural products they offer, with special emphasis on Alquernat Coneb, Alquermold Natural and Alquerfeed Diatom.

Alquernat Coneb for the prevention and control of avian coccidiosis

Avian coccidiosis is one of the most prevalent diseases in poultry farms. It is caused by protozoa of the Eimeria genus and causes important economic and productive losses in poultry farming. These parasites mainly affect the intestine, which causes a reduction in the absorption of nutrients, diarrhea and important productive losses.

This is why Alquernat Coneb is presented as an effective solution for the prevention and control of avian coccidiosis. It is a product that contains, on one hand, intestinal conditioner pronutrients, which improve nutrient absorption and, on the other hand, intestinal optimizer pronutrients, which stimulate the local immune system so that the animal is capable to deal with a coccidia infestation by itself.

In addition, the product is also indicated to prevent problems derived from histomoniasis in turkeys, a protozoan disease of great importance in the turkey industry.

Impact and control of necrotic enteritis

Necrotic enteritis is another of the most frequent pathologies in poultry farms. It is caused by toxins secreted by Clostridium perfringens. For its control and prevention, the use of Alquermold Natural is recommended. This natural compound developed by Biovet S.A. contains cimenol ring and citric acid and works as a feed preservative and as an intestinal biocide. In such a way that it is effective against Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridium, Pseudomonas, Campylobacter and Staphylococcus, among others.

Improvement of intestinal transit with Alquerfeed Diatom

Finally, Alquerfeed Diatom, the latest novelty from Biovet S.A., was presented at the meetings. It is an effective product to reduce intestinal transit in poultry and pigs.

Rapid intestinal transit in intensive production is a frequent problem that prevents the feed from remaining long enough in the digestive tract for the correct absorption of nutrients.

Field trials have shown that with the use of Alquerfeed Diatom it is possible to slow down intestinal transit in such a way that the contact time of nutrients with the microvilli of the intestine is increased and the absorption of nutrients is improved and, consequently, the productive parameters.


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